i ignored you. yet, you thrive



when stressed, i escaped to my gardens. i poured all my love that i could give into it. but this year, i will move away from all i have loved for so long.  i’ve been ignoring my gardens this spring. i’ve not weeded, or taken photographs of the best that has arisen this spring. but two days ago, my eye spotted something orange. despite my lack of attention, or perhaps because of it, things have flowered anyway. Ranunculus, an absolute favorite flower of mine…i bought bulbs & planted them two years ago. every spring, the green popped up through the dirt, but the Alabama heat stops the Ranunculus from flowering, it has never gotten close to producing a flower. BUT, this year, the year i have to say goodbye to all my plans & flowering plants, my garden decided to say goodbye to me in the best way possible. the orange Ranunculus is one that came up from my own labor…tis a gift, reminding me that there is always hope though difficult times. bad times pass just as the good ones do. this bad time has taken too long.  i have been going through a difficult divorce. it didn’t have to be. the marriage died years ago, it should have been easy to walk away. that, of course seldom happens…the last two years have made me feel as though i had a blanket blinding me to the rest of the world. it is almost over. And when my choice was made, to remove the blanket & living brightly again…suddenly i could see a whole new future to create. despite being unloved by me this year, my garden decided to love me instead, as seen above. it is as though they felt my lack of love & attention, so they grabbed my attention in the only way they knew how. They BLASTED BLOOMS…MY (mine, mine, mine) garden bloomed brighter then it ever had before.  my flowers had missed me. and i them.

so my jeans have grass stains & fingernails have dirt &  the weeds have been pulled. Not for the next owner, but for me & mine. bliss.


19 Comments Add yours

  1. atkokosplace says:

    Ranunculus is a fave of mine as well. I love, love, love them, yet wonder why I’ve never planted them. I thank you for this post to remind me that I need to do just that! Take care, Koko:)


    1. Let me be the first to warn you…the bulbs make cockroaches look pretty. And the instructions are to soak them overnight before planting, which makes them slimy cockroaches. However, totally worth it if they flower. I love them too. they are a spring flower & like cooler temps, this year Alabama has had cool weather w/rain, then normal what we usually have, which is how i got a few flowers. Good luck! i got my bulbs from Amazon. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. atkokosplace says:

        You are fabulous for sharing your tips! I so appreciate it! I will find the bulbs and try not to think of slimy roaches! Teehee! Too funny! Amy you are awesome! Have a lovely day! 🙂


      2. Maybe you could blind fold your eyes as you take them out of the water? Ewww. Good luck! ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      3. atkokosplace says:

        I needed a chuckle tonight. Thanks for that! 🙂


      4. oh, wonderful to read this!! Thank you! ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Heartafire says:

    It’s amazing isn’t it…some flowers need so much tending yet the wild ones flourish with no attention at all.


    1. It is amazing. I’ve been thinking that perhaps some flower because they miss the attention i had given. a sign of “OMG, i’m dying, where is she?!” 🙂 thanks for the comment! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heartafire says:

        :)…quick, to the rescue!


  3. gigipoo says:

    So beautiful—- glad they bloomed for you 🙂


    1. oh, me too. it was AWSOME to be missed & the love i poured into that dirt, returned to me in spades. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. loisajay says:

    Amy, you are loved. These are beautiful.


    1. Thank you, loisajay. my flowers missed me. good to know if you put love into the dirt, the love will reward you with blossoms such as those. I will share my patio garden as soon as i can get a bigger path though my apartment. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. John says:

    God bless you Amy. I feel your pain. And you are strong, I admire your courage in sharing this. Hugs for you! ❤️


    1. John, thank you. I am brave. I am so happy & i love that people can have ‘new beginnings’ throughout their own life, when they chose to. i chose to and it took a lot of time, but it is so worth it. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. John says:

        You are so welcome Amy. You give me strength just now to continue, being in the same situation. Glad you are better. x


      2. John…someone reminded me that the pain, regret & anger…we have made the choice to carry these with us, like a ball & chain. which means if it is a CHOICE, you can also choose to let the chains fall & drop the damn ball & reinvent yourself. New beginnings can start at anytime in our lives. This advice changed the way i was living. I wish you well & mostly i wish you chose to drop the past in the past & walk a new path. ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      3. John says:

        Funny you said this, i had similar thoughts recently. It’s so hard to let go. I choose to move forward, now.


      4. When you feel it creeping back on you like a blanket, blinding you to what life can be…remember to shrug it off again & again, then, it wont stick so long, nor as often. the blanket comes to cover me, i turn on music that gives me strength & the power to forget. 🙂 the battles we have to fight…there are those who grow from the challenges & those that give up & give in. I’m gonna keep looking forward, just as you are John. Peace. ~amy

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