It’s Hanukkah!

Hanukkah should be a big deal, if you have toddlers or young children. Why? Because we are all covered up in Christmas. The decorations are dazzling, the music is playing everywhere we go. It is everywhere. As a Jewish parent, Christmas was the worst time of the year because I had to explain why we…

playing dress up with her

This first image, the lights behind her, are from my disco ball. The sun hit the ball at the end of the shoot. The photos with the disco ball ended up being of my favorites. Some images below, are fake disco ball I edited in for the fun of it. I had a shoot with this…

Crestline Bagel Co.

Crestline Bagel Co. in Cahaba Heights is fantastic. When they first opened, a few months ago, i couldn’t help but wonder why the architects had decided to use pebbles in front & beside the store. Today, i found out. Leaf & Petal (my favorite nursery(s) in Birmingham) moved in next door! Crestline Bagel didn’t need…

The Gift

In a packed Sanctuary, Destin was bar mitzvahed. Destin blew us all away. Near the end of the service, he read his speech, that he had written by himself, to all of us. Personally, I had no idea that this 13 year old was so brilliant & so far more mature than any 13 year…

single moms need selfies…

with their children Before the divorce, there was a spouse that could photograph the everyday things. Single moms need to take photos of themselves with their offspring. Selfies are such a kid/teenager thing…which is perfect! Grab a kid & ask them to take a photo with you. I promise you- you need these images, because life may…

waiting on the sun

to give me this view for a few minutes. i know this view will disappear in a few weeks, as the sun shifts into a new season. However, i do have a disco ball that hasn’t lit up my kitchen since last summer…

a string of broken hearts

oh, we all have them. We all have our first love & we have all had our hearts broken. When we fall in love, it feels like our hearts have grown larger. Some of us have loved only once, others have loved many times. To love…is to trust. Some of us have given our hearts…

why Water Lilies are twice as bright

Water Lilies appear to contain fire at their center, they glow. These flowers are so different from other flowers we normally see. It took me awhile to figure out why. I blame it on the sun…and the water the flower floats upon. The flowers are lit up by the sun, twice. Once from above and then…