It’s Hanukkah!

IMG_1485Hanukkah should be a big deal, if you have toddlers or young children. Why? Because we are all covered up in Christmas. The decorations are dazzling, the music is playing everywhere we go. It is everywhere.

As a Jewish parent, Christmas was the worst time of the year because I had to explain why we didn’t celebrate Christmas. My rabbi said to us that we need to make Hanukkah a big deal for our children. So, I did.

I’m an artist, i’ve got to say most Hanukkah decorations still look like they did, when i was a kid. I decided to modern some up. I bought the animals (above) that were wearing/holding Christmas things. I removed them & converted the them into Hanukkah decorations with a glue gun, Hanukkah gelt & a dreidel. BOOM! Now, please look at the Christmas decorations like these & have your child/children make them look like they are celebrating Hanukkah too. That is a big deal.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. chuck jones says:

    Great idea! You could be on to something big!


    1. Hi Chuck Jones, I’ve been pushing this idea around for years. It was so hard to explain Christmas to my toddlers. They need to celebrate BIG too! Thank you! ~amy


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