the grown up toy store for gardeners

Something for everyone at Leaf & Petal’s Cahaba Heights location. Privately owned & operated – #buylocal         (shhh, this place is so cool, i picked up a job application (working from home can get boring)…imagine spending the day deadheading flowers!

playing with orchids

My favorite nursery, Leaf & Petal…moved into a stunning new place. I loved the ceilings in their new buildings. A lot more iphone pictures to come.

call off your puppy, said the boxer

Oliver finally (Vet’s office forgot to give me his rabies tag) visited his first dog park. He was annoying as usual, no…more so. He attacked & bit all of the big dogs. The dogs let him! And i kept thinking i wish some dog would bit him back, as his own mother would have. Didn’t…

beautiful monsters

I confess i am a monster murderer. I don’t mean to. I have a green thumb…but orchids take one look around my house & begin to give up the ghost. I have to keep them via photos. These images were taken at Sweet Pea Garden Shop, Homewood, Alabama. with my iphone.

the mischievous Gatsby

Do you want to play a game? No, thank you, sir. Focus is soft, but i am showing it anyway because he looks like he has a Santa beard. One curtain down, the other to go. I’ve never had a cat that really knocked things of flat surfaces before. I’ve owned lots of cats over…

single moms need selfies…

with their children Before the divorce, there was a spouse that could photograph the everyday things. Single moms need to take photos of themselves with their offspring. Selfies are such a kid/teenager thing…which is perfect! Grab a kid & ask them to take a photo with you. I promise you- you need these images, because life may…

72 hours in Panama City

I went to Panama City Beach with my best friend the weekend before last. i took my camera with me. i even brought it into the beach house. but i didn’t use it, not once. Some of these images were shot with either my iphone or my ipad. The shots of the crab were taken…

the plumber & the dog

an old friend took this photo via iphone. i loved the way the dog’s tush stuck out of the cabinet, just like the plumbers. I wanted to share the photo here. Dan Robertson is a fantastic artist, you can see more of his paintings & photographs @ and on instagram@ yousmiledatme  

Birmingham, Alabama’s pagan god

Birmingham, Alabama, the so called “Bible Belt” has the god of Forage standing atop Red Mountain. He stands above & facing, the city of Birmingham…& behind him stands the small town of Homewood. The thing about men who worked in a forage is this, they worked with extreme heat. more often then not, they worked…