i made a headstone for my pets

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the first image is wet with the white Mod Podge. when it dries, it becomes clear…

i wanted to make something personalized for my dog & cat graves. my cat, Walter is under a tree in our backyard. our dog Blue is at the lake. i looked into having something made, but it was far too much money…besides, i wanted to make something myself. i photographed this stepping stone i found & edited it.  i added a bit of texture & color…then add their names.

after i finished editing, i printed both on one sheet of 8.5×11 stock card. i cut them out & sprayed the back & the front with varnish (a must b/c the color will bleed with the heavy amounts of wet Mod Podge). I found the stones beside our creek, i applied a HEAVY amount of Mod Podge to the back of the picture & the stone itself (i did this after varnish dried on the card stock) i used my fingers to press the paper into the uneven surfaces of the rocks, then i Mod Podged the front, still rubbing the photo as best i could to the stone. i will continue putting mod podge over the stone & picture for the next few days (maybe five coats)…so that it can last a while.

the last picture is for you to take off my blog & edit for the animal you loved & lost.

25 Comments Add yours

  1. What an awesome idea! They are so beautiful!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much. I left the last image for anyone to pull off & edit it personally for their past away pets. 🙂 Thank you, Janice. ~amy


    2. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, please take the last one off, if you want to personalize one for yourself! ~amy


  2. Karen B says:

    Oh Amy, that is such a lovely thing you have made. It is so like you to create something which unites your heart and your creativity.
    Thank you so much


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much, Karen. I left my name of the original so that anyone can take it & personalize it for their own lost loves. I hope someone does. Thank you so much for your thank you. 🙂 ~amy


  3. immortalizing their love! how very sweet


    1. Amy Saab says:

      very sweet & VERY healing. Thank you, Eddie. ~amy


  4. What a clever idea! I think the headstone mean even more because you made them with love.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      I am making them with love. So much love left over. I miss every single animal i’ve ever had. Thanks, Honey. ~amy


  5. Beautiful. It must have eased your missing them a bit. It takes me a very long time to release a pet and I never forget. I loved them all so much.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Gretchen. I have always wrapped my animals in a t-shirt of mine. It brings me such peace to know that they are in my arms. ~amy


  6. Reggie says:

    I love this, Amy. What a beautiful homemade headstone.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Reggie. I left the last image without my name on it so that others may take it & use it for their loved & lost pets. ~amy


      1. Reggie says:

        Thank you so much for that.


  7. Lovely work, Amy. We left many pets behind buried in our garden when we moved from Fremantle, Western Australia, but we had planted roses in our garden for each one so their memory would live on. When we lived in Bowraville, mid-north coast of New South Wales, we lost our 16.5 year old Jack Russell, Rosie, but we had a perfect spot in the corner of the garden there with a big bush which leaned over providing shade and care, and with her we buried a lovely rock – a bright pink cobaltian calcite, which my husband suggested, to my surprise.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      I wrap my beloved pets in my t-shirts so that they have me holding them for as long as nature allows. It brings me comfort to know that all the animals that i have loved are still wrapped up in my arms…and heart. I love that you added things for Rosie. Sixteen years is a very long time to have your angel on earth. Thank you for sharing your story with me. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Karen Powell says:

    A beautiful idea.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Karen. I miss my animals that have left me behind. At least putting their name to stone, without expense reminds me of them & in that, in turn, keeps them deep & close to my heart. ~amy


  9. kanzensakura says:

    I think this is a beautiful tribute.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Oh, thank you so very much. ~amy


  10. This is so beautiful.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth. It feels good to finally make something personal for them. ~amy


  11. This is really nice. I may have to try making some of these. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you very much. I am happy to finally have figured out a way to make a stone personal at little cost. ~amy


  12. This is really nice Amy! I think even for yourself it feels much better to know you made this especially for your beloved pets! Wonderful idea and beautiful gesture!


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