cool Christmas reindeer art project!

at first, i was going to TAPE the wire to the back of each reindeer…but then a BIG lightbulb went off & i realized that i could wrap the reindeer as they would be, if linked together by Santa’s elves! i LOVE those sparks that come as i’m trying to make something work. yesterday i…

take a hike…craft

a fantastic art project for summer vacation hikers. Step 1. find a thick, tall & somewhat dry stick. find some really cool leaves, (fresh, like pick them off a branch). remove some of the bark (on the stick you find) with a knife. apply masking tape, to make strips, in whatever pattern you’d like. i…

Wednesday Afternoon Art!

this class is so much fun because of the age differences–2nd-6th graders. this is the frog on bamboo art collage we’ve been working on for about three weeks. it is a mix of scrapbook paper, acrylic paint, watercolor & nail polish. we love to mix things up. today, we started making droids in honor of…

fun magnet art project…gifts, for lockers, fridges

super easy project. you’ll need glass that is flat on one side, rounded on the other (found at craft stores or dollar tree), magazines, Mod Podge, scissors… if i wanted to do a kitchen theme for a cook, i would look for food pictures in magazines. i choose this one. Mod Podge the flat slide…

How to make a collage like this…

i teach art to children. i have about 8 kids working on this project right now. ages 5-12. this project will take about four hours to complete or 4 art classes. i’ve gotta tell you, i have never had more fun with a project before. i googled a photo of a frog. the colorful one…

art for preschool hallway…

this is an iPhone picture 😦 i ALWAYS forget my camera when i go to Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham, Alabama. i edited the picture so that you didn’t have to see the hallway lights or walls. i was hired to make three signs for a preschool hallway. the preschool is named The Discovery School. i…

the cat that loves art class

my art class…three boys, one girl & one cat named Hobbes. my Wednesday art class. one is trying to squirt grey paint onto his paper. Hobbes watched the whole thing. so what are you going to do now?

how to put the flowers on the ceiling

 one inch vase. i thought my Echinacea was done blooming, but i found these at the bottom, near the dirt. i loved how the backside (you dirty minded reader…anyone?) of flowers look. some times they are a different colors, their structure is always fascinating. i got an idea! i went to the dollar tree (that…

love you to the moon & back– an art project

love you to the moon & back…i found these words in a catalog, a photograph of a kids room, with the tiny painting of love you to the moon… this art project made me look at EVERYTHING in a whole new way. i save some cool catalogs, but i never thought, nor could i afford…