the backside of the Cosmos


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i love, LOVE, LOVE taking photos of flowers from behind (gosh, that sounds dirty, do you think the flowers think i’ve got a dirty mind?!). most of the time, when the green part of the bud opens to allow the blossom to emerge, it resembles a flower.  i also like to photograph furry stems–because when backlit, they look as though they have a halo of light that surrounds them…a bit magical i think.

25 Comments Add yours

    1. Amy Saab says:

      i’m deeply flattered & grateful that you read what i had written about seeing. Thank you. ~amy


  1. So good .. Reckon I will have to give this a go 🙂


    1. Incredible talent you have! I love your site! This picture is breathtaking and I could learn a thing or two (or a lot) from you. Thank you for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amy Saab says:

        Ok Kim. That really helped pull me from my grumpy mood! Thank you so very, very much. Wow. ~amy


      2. Oh thank you .. What a lovely comment 😀


    2. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Julie. ~amy


  2. Rajiv says:

    Brilliant.. I have never tried this


    1. Amy Saab says:

      I love finding a new way to see something old. Light moves over everything & sometimes i’d find something too hot (overexposed) to attempt to shoot, so i just went behind it AND wow! Have fun, Rajiv! ~amy


    2. Amy Saab says:

      Looking at flowers in different ways, at different times a day can make a huge difference when shooting them. Thank you, Rajiv! ~amy


  3. Peter Klopp says:

    The flowers say no to the dirty mind. But you may be fascinated by their erotic imagery.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      My flowers love when my hands get dirty. I am fascinated by their imagery. although, i wouldn’t call it erotic. i call it stunning. i need glasses to see 12″ away clearly, so i don’t wear them very much b/c i notice too much & i go into overload. but when i do wear them, i seem to notice everything…although it is more of a response in my chest that tells me to take the photo. Thanks for the comment. ~amy


  4. LOVE IT! Especially those fuzzy little hairs show of perfectly and the petals are showing as well a whole other side with those intricate veins running on them! Perfection from “behind”.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Eva! when the light hits the flower just right i see those wee hairs. I love it. Thanks for your comment! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. kanzensakura says:

    I’m certainly going to look at flowers differently thanks to these beautiful photos of yours.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Oh, i LOVE finding new ways to see things right in front of me. I’m so glad you feel the same! ~amy


      1. kanzensakura says:

        And your photo with the grape and the hammer – powerful!


      2. Amy Saab says:

        Thank you for the compliment on that photo. ~amy


    2. Amy Saab says:

      I think my favorite comments are those from people who say i inspired them to look at something different. Gives me goosebumps to know that. Thank you so much! ~amy


      1. kanzensakura says:

        This truly is spectacular. sometimes the best photos do come from these happy accidents and you have such a wonderful eye to see them and capture them. My husband is amused when he sees me now holding a flower or leaf up to the sun or other light and looking back through it. But he does concede it is a beautiful and different view.


      2. Amy Saab says:

        i think looking at something in a different way helps to bring back that childhood wonder. ~amy


  6. Flower backsides are great! Lovely photos 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      They are, oh i’m so glad i’m not the only one to think so! Thank you so much! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Dale says:

    Love these shots!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much, Dale!! ~amy


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