farm to table restaurants in Birmingham

There is a long list of restaurants, in Birmingham, Alabama, that use fresh produce from local farmers.  By choosing a restaurant that buys it’s fresh produce from our local farmers, you are supporting two local businesses. I would suggest googling Farm to Table in Birmingham, Alabama (or your own city) next time you’re thinking of…

Farmer’s Market in Birmingham, Alabama

As a former Vermonter, i was used to Farmer’s Markets. My favorite thing to do on a Saturday Morning, in Burlington, Vermont, was to grab breakfast. Usually i bought a loaf of homemade bread & some cheese to go with it. i could eat it sitting on Church Street watching the people go by. The…

wee veggies are delightful

the last images are sweet potatoes made into…wee monsters? i wish i could say that i grew these. but they came from a friend’s garden & when i saw them, i knew i had to share her treasures.

drained of color

like a vampire victim. so, so beautiful are these…almost pumpkins.

black-eyed peas & okra, anyone?

my husband went to a friend’s farm yesterday & brought home okra…this yankee has no idea what to do with either one. black-eyed peas & okra is a VERY Southern food. the squash is not edible anymore, too many seeds i’ve been told.

feed me

yesterday’s pick. i bring the BIG tomatoes in just as they begin to turn red because in Alabama heat, if left outside to ripen, they boil & burst. 🙂 besides, green tomatoes are DELICIOUS! We put them on our pizza, pastas, BLT’s or we leave them to ripen on the kitchen table.