cool Christmas reindeer art project!

at first, i was going to TAPE the wire to the back of each reindeer…but then a BIG lightbulb went off & i realized that i could wrap the reindeer as they would be, if linked together by Santa’s elves! i LOVE those sparks that come as i’m trying to make something work. yesterday i…

Who is watching your front door?

i have an owl, whoooooooom i borrowed from my son. i found this wreath at a thrift store (thrift stores are a fantastic way to make art out of old), a few years ago, for $3. a great find, i cut the pealing red ‘berries’ off-some where showing their white undersides. i decided to make…

I am changing how we celebrate Hanukkah.

Pretty audacious, right? well, i am tired of tiptoeing around what is right & wrong with how to celebrate Hanukkah. i grew up in Vermont with two parents, my father is Jewish & my mother converted. We grew up celebrating both Christmas & Hanukkah. we got a Christmas tree. perhaps a day or two before Christmas….

Wednesday Afternoon Art!

this class is so much fun because of the age differences–2nd-6th graders. this is the frog on bamboo art collage we’ve been working on for about three weeks. it is a mix of scrapbook paper, acrylic paint, watercolor & nail polish. we love to mix things up. today, we started making droids in honor of…

the cat that loves art class

my art class…three boys, one girl & one cat named Hobbes. my Wednesday art class. one is trying to squirt grey paint onto his paper. Hobbes watched the whole thing. so what are you going to do now?

why i teach young children to draw aLiEns & MonSteRs

i teach art classes in my studio. the youngest is 18 months & the oldest…well, i’m not going to tell you my age. the toddlers & children teach me how to be fearless-when it comes to putting any media to paper. the children teach me how to find humor in almost anything (“how do you…

what boys say…

always sometimes make me smile. My art class boys arrive at my studio before i do. The boys decide to play basketball while they wait. I park in the garage & go to the front door to let them in, as i do, i notice that i have a WHITE POPPY! “Oh, gosh boys, isn’t it…

the art critic

This is Hobbes, my cat. He loves to eat, sleep and ART CLASS. Hobbes jumps on the art table while i’m teaching children. He watches, tries to pick up a pencil. He is looking at a baby foot print (4 month old baby) Some girls decided we should make Hobbes. I chose Zen Doodling b/c…

a fishtastic commission!

This is one of the best commissions I ever had. i love painting for grown ups, but…for children?! The very best jobs I’ve had–have been commissions for children. It is a time for me to play, to create things that children would point to & laugh at. Dr. Stephanie Steinmetz of Steinmetz Pediatric Dentistry & Dr….