treasures found at the water’s edge


the bowl was made by . i walked along the shore of Lake Champlain in South Hero, Vermont. the beach was filled with slate. i looked for flat pieces big enough to be coasters for my home. i also found the snail shell & the stunning purple clam shell.

all my treasures sit inside one of my most favorite gift…the bowl made by one of my best friends…Jedd Kettler.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on 2me4art and commented:

    Why finding treasures is just as important to adults as it is to children. It forces you to not just look at your surroundings, but to really SEE the remarkable things we overlook everyday.


  2. Absolutely beautiful, love the set up shot!


  3. Joy says:

    That purple clam shell is a doozy- so beautiful!


  4. kiwiskan says:

    love this kind of treasure


  5. andreab40 says:

    I love shells, every time I get to go to a beach, instead of sunbathing I collect shells 🙂 I have just had a look at your portraits, they are really nice. I like to get inspirations from photographers, because i never did any portraits, well apart from photographing a friend for her Fb page 🙂


  6. FarsiTea says:

    That’s so gorgeous!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so very much! ~amy


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