why i read Esquire. and dislike fashion magazines for women.

why i read Esquire-instead of women’s magazines…i suppose i’m well past the age of believing there is some magic pot of expensive whatever, that will keep me young. Advertising in women’s mags, i am deeply offended by the barely twenty year old, trying to sell me an anti-aging product that will rid me of…well, aging….

she is camouflaged. right?

she is hiding in the bushes beside my garage door. i almost missed her. again, cool moments are captured with my shattered iPhone. sigh.

the mums are coming!!!

in Alabama, you can put mums in the ground. the next year they will be three times the size & they bloom in October. i know people who grow mums for the fall season create orange/brown, or yellow flowers. why? that is what everything is colored in fall. i think they should make white or…

sometimes i pretend i got the job

 i saw this & thought, what designers? flower? clothing? decorators? artists?  anyway, i looked it up. its for people smarter than me. however, i didn’t really like their piece of paper. so i redid it. the word, ‘design’ is on a window of a shop in Mountain Brook, then i just added the rest. i…

yup…more flower pictures

 the wee rose is in a one inch vase. i love light. i have mirrors to play with the sun (that is what these roses are sitting on, the reflection is of the ceiling), prisms to shatter light, disco balls to spin the sun dizzy & one fake HUGE diamond that peppers my kitchen with…

if i hadn’t gotten down to his level…

i was on my stomach, in the grass, trying to get my stuck up cat to look at me, when i saw the pink flowers…you can really see how tiny the flowers are when you look at the pine leaf. of course i have them in the window, in a 1″ vase to dry. AND…

it has all been done before.

no, not everything. i should have been doing grown up stuff yesterday, like laundry. That has been done before & no matter how hard i try, i keep having to do it over & over. sometimes, everyone needs to make time to play (or be ridicules like me). because everything i do over & over…can…