keeping up with the Jones’, NOT.

i leave the Jones’ in the dust…i don’t want to feel as though i need to keep up with anyone.  it is human nature wish to blend in. few who dare stand apart, stand alone? naw. cars companies do a major overhaul every few years…the car that hid you among the many, the car you…

left in awe

this is my daughter. she is smart, funny, original…she is the artist that created the Stained Glass art project. She is the one who set up my blog, then taught me how to use it-at the age of ten.  if i can’t figure something out, she is my go to help. She is fearless…i am…

you, through my eyes

i added make up digitally so that she could see herself in about 3 years. This beautiful, inside & out, girl is one of my art students. She is a very talented artist. While we were painting a still life via watercolor, i asked if i could photograph her. Because when you are a 12…

mixed signals

you know…i have come to find i like signs telling me what to do. because i’m at the age where i walk into a room & forgot why. Perhaps i should start putting post it notes on my forehead so that i know what i’m doing. ~amy