my Bat Mitzvah speech to my daughter


My oldest daughter. Crying. She is almost 21. Double
Major finance and accounting. She still blows me away



Most people fall into categories to define who they are. I believe it is my nature to try to simplify my life by putting labels on things and on people.

I tried to do so with you.

When you were 2, I once watched you stack your wooden blocks into towers, red up, animals down. I saw that you liked order, which meant that you are like your father. I felt relief because i could understand you better…but then you stood up with this wicked look in your eye, smiled a wicked smile & walked through all that perfection like a giant villain, a destroyer of worlds, leaving chaos in your wake.

And I thought, “Oh, she is like me!”

But you are not.

When I think back to the beginning of you, I realized my life had been a series of wishes. I wished for your to be strong…

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