the cat bit the dogwood

the light was so low…hence the blurry photos. I think i’ve only posted one other image that was out of focus. But his teeth on the branch, its too funny not to share!! Don’t worry he didn’t bite hard enough to go through the bark of the dogwood. Springtime in Alabama is beautiful!

the mischievous Gatsby

Do you want to play a game? No, thank you, sir. Focus is soft, but i am showing it anyway because he looks like he has a Santa beard. One curtain down, the other to go. I’ve never had a cat that really knocked things of flat surfaces before. I’ve owned lots of cats over…

Quicksilver caught

with iphone. i zoomed in pretty tight to get his eye. he was being a pain in the butt b/c i wanted to take photos, of the dew on everything, that morning…the peach tree had to be continuously rubbed against, thus preventing clear shots. roses had to be smelled…blueberry bushes had to be rubbed against….

the cat who wished to paint

my Thursday afternoon art class. three kids, they have no pets of their own. last week was their first class & i told them that Hobbes (my cat)  LOVES art more than anything. but, last week, they were a bit scared of him, i had to lock him out of the room. yesterday was their…

Ivy all wrapped up

Ivy’s favorite thing to do is wrap herself up in my Siberian Huskies’ fur. I brush Nala & within seconds, Ivy appears & begins rolling in it.

the 11 year old photographer

Our cat, Ivy, was sitting under the dinning room table after having gotten a drink of water. Henry saw the water droplets hanging from the fur on her chin. She looks a bit evil. Perfect for a black cat on Halloween.