popping up poppies

One of my favorite flowers. I had to shoot these poppies at high noon (bad planning)…which is never a flattering light for anything or anyone…it means i had to get on the ground to photograph most of these. If i attempted to photograph them from above, the flowers would have been overexposed & the color…

going out with a bang

planted from seed, this is my Nostrum this morning. This one has struggled all summer, but two feet away the Nostrum is thriving. blame it on the sun or…maybe the cat?

words, photography & flowers…

my friend & i wanted to find a way to put all my loves together. i never made any effort to have these printed on matt photo paper by a professional. i wasn’t brave enough. lady luck left me long ago. i would put these cards, the size of a business card onto a bamboo…

why a garden is like Christmas…every.single.morning

before i knew how to garden, i had no idea that changes happen over night. blueberries…i thought they all turned blue at the same time…nope. i go to bed, in the morning, i see berries that went from green to blue is a gift i can’t stop eating. All that you see in the second…

the mirror on my desk

i always thought it was old fashioned to put a mirror, laid flat, on top of furniture. But man, does it make my flowers twice as stunning. The first image is one of my favorite spring annuals, the African daisy. African daisies come in lots of colors & sizes, but the purple are my favorite….

alabama Scottish thistle…

planted in my garden in honor of my maternal grandmother & her mother. my great grandmother immigrated to Vermont from Scotland, by herself, when she was 18 years old. I love knowing her courage & hope that is in me.

the incomplete butterfly

one of the things i teach in my art classes for children is, “leave no white.” what struck me first about this butterfly was the absent part of his lower wing, then i noticed that if he were cut from paper, then the person that did the cutting, left the white on his wings. instead…