fail proof abstract painting for kids

Oil pastels base is oil, wax is the base of crayons. both refuse to accept water. the old oil & water don’t mix is proven in this wonderful fun art project. i begin the class with showing the children a cup with veggie oil & add water…kids love to watch them separate. i then explain…

the coolest secret paint around

it is enamel paint. it adheres to almost EVERYTHING & comes in amazing colors. AND it’s usually about $1.00 for each color. this was a plain wooden dreidel (I’m Jewish). Should i share my secret? it is cheap nail polish. before you put your nose in the air because you think it isn’t real art…give…

I am changing how we celebrate Hanukkah.

Pretty audacious, right? well, i am tired of tiptoeing around what is right & wrong with how to celebrate Hanukkah. i grew up in Vermont with two parents, my father is Jewish & my mother converted. We grew up celebrating both Christmas & Hanukkah. we got a Christmas tree. perhaps a day or two before Christmas….

abstract kitty art…

the first painting is by a 6 year old, the other two paintings were done by 9 year olds. Amazingly, i can use any combination of media with the kids because there are NO RULES. all of the art i do with the kids, is made up by me. i find inspiration anywhere & because…

Cool blue wall art

i thought it looked so cool reflected on my black car. LOVE finding art like this. SURPRISED at finding art like this in Montevallo Alabama…next to a McDonald’s.

art class creations

We worked on mosaics today, using paper squares. They tore up a race car like a puzzle & rebuilt in on top of the mosaic. The bottom three was a project about texture. The kids used a pallet knife to paint & then added bits of paper. They also pressed different textures into the wet…

There be dragons…ninja aliens & a blue bull

2me4art project: This art project is one of my favorites. The boys who made these creatures were ages 5-7.  They are wonderful fun to make. All you need is tinfoil & masking tape, primer paint & acrylic paint & finally mod podge. Most important you need an imagination! I always have the children make something…

Christmas ornament art project

The bird that is mostly glittered with MOD PODGED wings & tail was the idea of the Mom who signed up for the class.  I thought her idea was brilliant & it ended up that I liked her idea more then my own.  She also painted inside the black lines because they couldn’t be drawn…