Most Americans came from somewhere…

Almost all of us are descended from immigrants. The people who believe themselves entitled to this country & have nothing to prove to anyone, are the people who make us fall behind the rest of the world, in education, health, pride in making our stuff.  People have always been wary of strangers, every generation hated…

and all I had was my iPhone

I, being the perfect daughter (dripping sarcasm, i write), visited with my mother (i am blessed) on Mother’s day. No camera, only iPhone (Ggrrr). I should know by now that I should never go home…(oops) to my parent’s house, without my (damn) camera. My mom made this piece of art (that I left behind 😦…

The State of our Union

The State of our Union

Even our Union is broken. Congressman & woman fight with one another, who do they work for? Us, not the money, vote them out, the ones who refuse to compromise, vote them out of office, no matter their party. I am married to my opposite, but we’ve learned to compromise with each other. Because we are grown ups. Because we love each other & what we are, a family. We (it is ‘we’ isn’t it? People & the land are ‘we’), as a country, are giving up & pulling out. I drive down our roads & there is nothing to see but FOR SALE signs. This is NOT who we are. We have families, we have homes with friends & dogs & cats & birds & fish… These are the things that define who we are, do you really want to sell WHO we are? But who am I to say this? Nobody, really. I’m just one vote. But I’m paying attention & these ribbons say it all.