even in death…

You’re awesome! This is a Juncus Effusus “Spiralis” or “corkscrew rush”…or a few other names i’m not going to list. This is a perennial, best planted in a container or as a houseplant. I’ve been told it becomes more wavy with less light.

standing out orange

the first photo has stunningly orange flowers. the second photo is of orange blossoms…someday soon, with luck & love, they too, will be orange.

i would like to be a TRENDsetter…

to those who have a lawn or those who have a balcony…we can buy flowers, flowering trees, flowering bushes…and that is wonderful, but when the flowers fade away, nothing is left but the leaves. instead of only having dogwood, lilac bushes, azaleas, etc. you could buy fruit trees/bushes too. the first photo is my 7…

finding treasure (& eating it) in Alabama

the BEST food i’ve EVER tasted. SHINDIGS  i started this blog to show local, PRIVATELY OWNED, businesses in Birmingham, Alabama. i am a huge believer in BUYING LOCAL. keeping the money home. owning your own business takes immense courage…i’ve always been impressed with anyone brave enough to venture out into the world on their own….

Alabama Biscuit…

i haven’t posted any locally owned & operated establishments lately…i ate here yesterday. I’ve always thought of biscuits as greasy & extremely unhealthy. I was shocked to find that this wonderful coffee shop’s food was healthy. it appeared that all the food had been grown in Alabama, the honey from our fat Alabama honey bees……