just playin’

You know, if one of my parents could photographed me like this, at this age, i’d think it was kinda cool. My kids? They’ve had a camera in their faces their whole life. The final photos impress them NOT at all! Have camera, must shoot. This is my soon to be senior in high school…

last night changed everything.

  i’ve tried, countless times, to explain what it is like to be a mom to my teenager daughters. i try to tell them what it feels like when they walk out the front door. i tell them they are taking a part of my heart with them when they walk out that door. nothing…

how i see her

i have two daughters. i worried about all of their insecurities when they began to worry…about everything, clothes, hair, skin, shoes, boots, brains & on and on… i tried to help, but to a 12 or 13 year old girl, they thought i was “just saying that i’m beautiful because you’re my mom.” with my…

A Bat Mitzvah speech for her. Or how we conquered Dragons.

I was asked by my Rabbi if I wished to say something wonderful about my daughter during her Bat Mitzvah.  For him to ask me…was a standard question. But for me, it was akin to asking me to fight dragons. Public speaking or fighting dragons is a toss up as far as which I would…