painting a 65 year old memory

I was commissioned to paint this house (above). This photograph was taken last summer. It was once owned by my aunt when she was a child. Her family moved out of this home when my aunt was about 7 years old. The hardest part of the commission was…i was to paint it as she remembered…

more powerful incomplete?

These drawings/blueprints were framed in IPChurch on Highland Ave.  (Cathedrals in France.) shot through glass, the reflections of what is behind me obscures detail. apologies. i’ve noticed that blueprints of things have become quite popular. my son received the Millennium Falcon blueprint poster as a Hanukkah gift this year. But there is  something very special…


Barber Motorcycle Museum. Leed, Alabama

stepping inside a Church

stepping inside a church, for the first time in a long time. Being Jewish, I tend to stick to a familiar ground unless I am invited elsewhere. I was here for an incredible reason. My Rabbi called me to ask if I would take on a commission. He explained that this commission, this watercolor painting,…

the last Antebellum Mansion in Birmingham, Alabama

The Arlington House has a very cool history. The house is decorated for Christmas this month. Obvious to Southerners, the home is in the South because is has dried cotton turned into Christmas decorations, its the wife & children’s nursery. The wife’s room has dried Okra hanging in her two bedroom windows. There is a…