the tree branches in Mobile are extraordinary

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the pictures are crap, but i was in the car & I wanted to show, anyone who cared to see, the trees in Mobile. The stretch across the streets forever. Absolutely defying gravity in my opinion.

19 Comments Add yours

  1. jpeggytaylor says:

    Oh what fabulous trees! I think what surprises me is how well they have grown right by the roadside – not all tree species cope well with the traffic pollution. Lovely images 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Peggy. I thought they were extraordinary, the branches seemed to disregard gravity completely & continue thickening & stretching so far across the streets. This is Mobile, Alabama, where there are hurricanes, the trees age is apparent in their trunk’s thickness…i suppose if they can survive the onslaught of 150 mile an hour winds, then what is a little pollution to such a beast of tree. 🙂 ~amy


      1. jpeggytaylor says:

        Oh wow! The trees don’t look like they have survived hurricanes … there are no torn limbs etc. Amazing! HA! perhaps the hurricane season blows away the pollution! 🙂


  2. I think they’re pretty incredible looking trees! Thanx for sharing.


  3. How good are those trees!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Those trees defied logic. I hope next time i go to Mobile, i am able to have my husband pull over so that i can capture their stunning strength & beauty better. Thank you, Julie! ~amy


  4. Wow, that is one impressive line up! Amazing how far they reach out! Stunning street view!


  5. Nothing beats an ancient Live Oak, beautiful.


  6. jensine says:

    I would love to see that in real


  7. Johnny Ojanpera says:

    Those are great pictures! I have been tempted to go out in the middle of Government and snap some pictures, but as I’m sure you noticed, it could be death defying due to our lovley drivers. 🙂


  8. Chandra Lynn says:

    You can see the same thing in parts of New Orleans–makes for a nice cool drive. 😉


  9. Amazing that they are even allowed to grow in that manner when in so many towns and cities you see them hacked back to nothing. It’s a beautiful street for sure.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      You know, you are correct. it is as if the trees know that if they interfered with the traffic, they would be cut. I will get a better shot of these extraordinary trees next trip to Mobile. My daughter is attending University there. Lucky me! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. John says:

    Beautiful trees indeed! These are not crap photos at all… 😎


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, John. I’m embarrassed that i took photos through the windshield instead of just asking my husband to pull over. I will do better, they are worth the effort. ~amy


  11. roblowephoto says:

    The pictures are not crap, Amy. Especially like the top image – lovely light at the top of the frame. Thanks for sharing with us. :0) R.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Rob, i took those photos of the trees through the windshield, which is pathetic, when i just needed to ask my husband to pull over. I will do so next time. Thank you so much for like them. ~amy


  12. neihtn2012 says:

    Nothing wrong with the pictures! They look good to me. 🙂


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