Sophie’s art

Sophie's art

My 10 year old daughter’s artwork blows me away.

She started this project herself for the summer. We had very cheap paper on a roll. The paper was very smooth and very light. Sophie used sharpies to make this masterpiece. When she finished, she brought it upstairs so I could photograph it…as she passes through the kitchen, with the art flying behind her, it passes by the kitchen windows and I saw stained glass! “Sophie, put it up against the window, it looks just like stained glass” I still have this. Its torn and in rotten condition because I let her keep it taped up in her room. She has since given it to me. I’m having it framed.

386 Comments Add yours

    1. A. Saab says:

      My brilliant daughter taught me that!


  1. -Eugenia says:

    Your daughter’s art is a masterpiece. I sincerely hope she gets back into art. What a talent! Thank you for following BrewNSpew.


    1. Hi Eugenia! Thank you for the compliment. She was 9 (i think) when she made this on her own. She is now 16 & loves art, she is so creative still. I am a big fan! She actually sold a piece for $20! Thank you for following me! I look forward to seeing your work in my reader! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey! Found this on Pinterest and followed through 364+ comments to write here. As a mother of two kids in their 20’s, can I just say that there is hope at the end of a very long tunnel. Its a hard thought to hold onto sometimes, I know, but I guarantee that your daughter will blossom into a wonderful young woman, and all these teenage “trials” will be forgotten (by her, not so much by you, haha!). Wonderful piece of art here, she will become so much more, you wait and see! 🙂


    1. WOW. i thank you very much for taking the time to scroll through all those comments. My daughter did that piece of artwork a long time ago, she is now 15 going on 30. We have tough moments, but i can be her emotional punching bag on occasion because i understand she trusts me enough not to ever give up on her. i proudly own the artwork that was posted all those years ago. Thank you so very much for your lovely note. ~amy


      1. Carr kleeb says:

        As a mother of a lovely 18 yr old my advice to you is STOP writing about your daughter. Esp anything negative. Please do not make one more comment about her on the Internet. This private stuff should not be out there for strangers (like me) to read. Just stop.


      2. Wow. Thank you for your advice and the demand at its end. ~amy


  3. Hi Amy, i need your help would you that your picture can post in the fanpage Sharpie México in Facebook? send me an email to or could you give me an authorization to use it?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Please use it! It would please my daughter so much! ~amy


  4. equinoxio21 says:

    Likewise Amy. How is she? 10 going on 25?
    How have you been?


    1. Sophie will be turning 15 next month. Life here is crawling to a place where freedom from torment can almost be reached. Close enough to see & feel, though frustrating that it takes so long. How have you been? ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. equinoxio21 says:

        15? A great age. Though they don’t necessarily realize it in the moment. I’m fine. I do hope you reach that freedom soon. Like I said in another comment: feel free to vent. It’s good for you. You take good care of yourself. B.


      2. 15 is a great age to BE, not as much to raise one. Someone made of fire w/o a fully formed Cerebral Cortex is quite difficult to deal with. 🙂 I am glad you are fine…although i do know ‘fine’ can mean almost anything. i used it when life sucks. as in “Oh, i’m fine. no, really b/c if i tell you the truth i may shatter into a thousand pieces?” Freedom from this HELL is almost over. The kids & i just want it all to end. But he wants revenge but doesn’t understand or comprehend that when he hurts me, he hurts my kids too. Venting…Thank you for ‘listening’ ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      3. equinoxio21 says:

        The age and the divorce must make it a tad complicated. I’ve never understood revenge. Seems to me a ludicrous activity. A waste of time. But then I find myself to be weird sometimes. 🙂 Plus the fact that revenge exacted in such a situation definitely hurts kids. They… just don’t understand.
        I do understand some people can be very… mean. (Most of the human race?) 😉
        Well, not much advice, just breathe deeply. And remember: “No hay mal que dure 100 años”, no ill or evil ever lasts a hundred years. 🙂


      4. and i remember this one too…the best revenge is to live happily. soon, this will be me. My kids are doing ok. They are far stronger than most considering what they’ve endured for their whole lives. To moving forward. L’chaim! ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      5. equinoxio21 says:

        L’chaim? To life (had to look it up) 🙂
        Cheers. Vive la vie. 🙂


      6. Raise your glass & say L’chaim…then down the hatch. a simple toast that can mean a thousand different things every time it is said. i had to look Vive la vie up…same thing-ish. Cheers, Equinoxio21 ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      7. equinoxio21 says:

        Or put it differently: Santé. Salud… 😉 Brian


  5. Rose says:

    Hi,I’m thinking this paper is tracing Paper,or even the kind they wrap single dishes in when you purchase them in a store (tissue paper )


    1. close to tracing paper. It was on a roll, it seems to have a slicker finish then tracing paper. I still have the roll & i bought it for my kids about ten years ago. Thanks ~amy


      1. karen walsh says:

        Is there a way to determine what this paper is, so that someone else might be able to use this technique. It is beautiful and would love to know what type of materials are used. My daughter is a school counselor at an inner-city school district, this looks like an inexpensive yet beautiful project that the students would benefit from. Thanks


      2. Hi Karen, sorry for the delay in my response. The paper was found in a locally owned toy store. The paper is a roll, its very thin & has a shine to it. I think using any thin paper would work. However, after being in direct sunlight, the colors did fade. I think a UV varnish spray would be best. It would last forever that way. This project was done by my 9 year old daughter. That daughter is now 17 & a senior in high school. She still amazes me with her art. Good luck finding the paper, it shouldnt be too hard. Maybe look on Amazon, and buy the cheapest roll? ~amy


  6. Rhia Badial says:

    Can you please explain to me exactly how this beautiful stained glass design is made? And what expipment is needed? I make Christmas presents for my family every day and would love to make this…


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Hi Rhia,
      My daughter thought up the idea herself & surprised me with it when she was 9 or 10years old. I had cheap paper on a roll & she had been given her own sharpie markers. What she did was roll out some paper & used the black sharpie first & made squares & rectangles, then she went back after the black sharpie dried & used color to create designs within her boxes. She is now 14 years old & she has finally given me the piece of art work & i’m going to have it framed, glass on both sides to hang in front of a window. That is what she did & i wish you good luck! ~amy


  7. anydaybbq says:

    This is truly impressive and I am blown away as well.

    Such a talented kiddo!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much, i was blown away too. She is now fourteen & i tell her she needs to create in someway…at fourteen, she is very anti-mom. But she’ll come back to art again. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. kim says:

    This is beautiful…does this end up being see through or can it add some privacy?


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Can you believe my daughter did that on her own at 9yrs of age?! She is now fourteen. It does offer privacy, the thing is if you color one side, the colors bleed through, but not totally. So if you wanted it to look beautiful from both sides you’d have to color both sides. Sophie gave this to me this year. i have it rolled up to take to get it framed. It is spectacular. Thank you. ~amy


      1. creativeunblock says:

        That collage crayon piece is so beautiful! I also loved your Bat Mitzvah speech! Thanks so much for coming to my blog … it was great to find you! Roberta


      2. Hi Roberta! I’m so glad you like my daughter’s work. At 14 she no longer likes it, so lucky me! She gave it to me. Thank you for visiting me. ~amy


  9. gardeden says:

    That is SO beautiful! Love it, it made my day :). Thanks for following my blog, cheers Suz.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much. Sophie was about 9 when she made that, came up with it on her own. She is now 14 & the views keep coming. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Touch2Touch says:

    All of it blew me away! That is one great photograph.


  11. toosjew says:

    Nice colours! Beautiful! And she must be very patient……..


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Sophie is 14 now. She made that when she was 9, i think. Amazingly gifted little girl she was. I do hope she comes back to creating after the hard JHigh years. Thank you! ~amy


  12. yanacka says:

    That’s so lovely! You have to love kids and their imagination! 🙂

    P.s. Thanks for stopping by on my blog! 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Sophie is a very talented person. Or she used to be before turning 13, now 14. I know she’ll come back to her art someday, it must be brimming inside her! Thank you. ~amy


  13. tashpix says:

    Thanks for following “The World According to iPhone.” I’m flattered by the attention!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      My pleasure! I used to have great iPhone pictures, until i dropped my phone on its head a few times. ~amy


  14. Lu Smith, Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia says:

    Wow, Amy. I have just been blown away thanks to seeing Sarah’s original pin on Pinterest. I repinned it with paper and sharpie details. I have used Nobo OHP transparencies with sharpies in the past for making ‘stained glass window’ Christmas decorations, and embellishments for cards. I will dig them up and try some colouring with them. Like others, I can’t draw to save my life but love colouring in. I follow doodlegal on deviantArt, who does some awesome pages to colour. ~ Lu


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much, Lu. Sophie was 9 years old when she made that on her own. It is still, four years later by top hit. I think you would have a wonderful time making one yourself. ~amy


  15. merlinjr01 says:

    Amy, Thank you for the follow. Look forward to your comments.
    Incidentally, where (roughly) in AL are you. My sister-in-law is a photographer in the Huntsville area.



    1. Amy Saab says:

      Hello Merlin, I am in Birmingham. Huntsville is about 2 hours north. Great place, Huntsville. Thank you for the comment, visit & follow! ~amy


  16. merlinjr01 says:

    Amy, Thank you for following. Look forward to your comments and thoughts.
    By the way, where (roughly) in AL. My sister-in-law is a photographer in the Huntsville area.



  17. sleepygate2013 says:

    Thanks for the follow.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you for the follow back! ~amy


  18. smbaird says:

    Very talented.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      that is she is. This piece of art that she created at 10 years of age, has been viewed over 250,000 times. She is now 13, so very anti-mom anything. Hopefully she will begin to create again soon. Thank you~ ~amy


  19. bethbyrnes says:

    This is beautiful, moving and inspiring! Shalom.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much. I will pass your compliment onto my daughter! Shalom. ~amy


  20. animallogic says:

    Thank you for the follow ❤


    1. Amy Saab says:

      my pleasure, thank you for the follow~amy


  21. So full of colours, so full of life 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Robert, can you believe she was ten years old when she made that? That is my most favorite piece of art, ever. ~amy


  22. Wendy says:

    I lead a Sunday school. Our program room has several windows that make a wall facing the parking lot and one high traffic entrance. I am going to try Images that will change with the theme to share with all who enter the building. Thanks Sophia for the inspiration and Amy for posting, I found it on a spotlight pintest in my email this afternoon


    1. Amy Saab says:

      A wonderful idea, Wendy! Having the children make the stained glass for your art room is a fantastic idea. I hope you can find the cheap paper i used. It was on a roll & is thinner then office paper, with a bit of a sheen to it. Usually you can find rolled up paper at toy stores instead of art, because it’s quality is so bad, which makes it perfect for ‘stained glass’. ~amy


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Jennifer! Sophie is a pretty talented kid. ~amy


  23. Stunning, I cannot believe it has been created by a 10 year old, well done young lady I think it is beautiful.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      thank you so much! Sophie made that on her own during spring break…three years ago! It hangs on her wall still. I hope she gives it to me one day. ~amy


  24. Tracey says:

    Absolutely love this. So colorful and fun. 🙂

    Oh, and if you are still wondering why this post is still getting hits after a few years.
    I get email notification each time you like one of my posts (and THANK YOU so much for that) and the top ‘great posts worth seeing from Amy’ is always ‘Sophies’ Art’ 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Wow. That is amazing. Sophie made that when she was 10 during spring break. She just turned 13 & still she is almost always on the top hits for the day. The art hangs on her wall, still. If she ever gives it to me, I’m going to frame it. Thank you, Tracey. ~amy


      1. Tracey says:

        It really is beautiful. Have you posted any more of her artwork?


      2. Amy Saab says:

        Sophie made that when she was 10, that was three years ago. I think I posted a painting she did in my art class. But i don’t remember what i named the post.She is also going through the anti-mom thing. All i do is art, so all she doesn’t do is art. Pooh, right? Thank you, Tracey. ~amy

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Tracey says:

        Ahhh, those wonderful teenage years. I remember them well……..


      4. Amy Saab says:

        Yup. She flips back & forth from being a little girl one minute to a crazy woman the next. I love those moments when she is calm & happy. Thank you, Tracy. ~amy


  25. Bob says:

    Gotta Love it (and her) she has tallent! That is a very nice piece to be proud of.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Hello Bob, thank you for the compliment on my daughter’s art. I am very proud of her & love her creations! ~amy


  26. believesteve says:

    You do very nice work. Thanks for your “like”


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, my, at the time, 10 year old daughter made that artwork. She is incredible. Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. ~amy


  27. Reblogged this on Lianne's Picks – best of the blogs and commented:
    Unique and beautiful.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you for reblogging my daughter’s artwork! ~amy


  28. Mary Mageau says:

    What a beautiful blog you have created and Sophie’s art is just amazing. Thank you for following my blog. I’ll visit yours again.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much, Mary. I will pass your compliment on to my daughter! I look forward to seeing more of your blog. ~amy


  29. Mom’s gotta “in house” studio” ? WOW. I will be 65 in June but please, please , please adopt me !


  30. Beautiful shot, beautiful artwork, special daughter. The trifecta here 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      She made that when she was 9 years old, by herself, w/o me knowing at all, during one spring break. She turned 13 last Sunday. Everything she does, as far as art is concerned, has always blown me away…I’m an artist & have an in-house studio, she’s always had use of it, but she definitely creates using a much different side of her brain. Thanks for the compliment. ~amy


  31. photobycraig says:

    Beautiful! Thanks for the follow! 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      She is pretty special! Thanks for the compliment, I will pass it on to her. Thank you for the follow. ~amy


  32. Wow, that is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, Anna. Can you believe my daughter made that almost three years ago? Her art is like no other I’ve ever seen. ~amy


  33. firecook says:

    Hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for liking my post .That picture is really cute and colorful:)


  34. That is beautiful! Almost looks like stained glass.


    1. 2me4art says:

      When she finished, she brought upstairs to show it to me. I told her I wanted to photograph it, the art flowed behind her & then it passed in front of a window, it was then, that I asked her to hold it to the deck doors to photograph it best. It was then that we realized it looked like stained glass. Thank you for liking it. ~amy


  35. Wolfsang says:

    Thanks for following my blog Howl To Find Meaning—I appreciate you taking the time to read my words. Peace


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for following mine in return. I look forward to seeing you in my reader. Peace to you as well. ~amy


  36. that is quite awesome!


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is quite awesome. I will let her know you said so. I thank you. ~amy


  37. Came across your lovely photo on Pinterest.
    This is so beautiful and such a great idea!
    I think I might use this idea to hide the view of my neighbour’s trucks. It would disguise the view without blocking the light.
    Please pass on my thanks to your creative daughter for such a cool idea!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Oh, Good luck to you, Jackie! I hope you can find the cheap paper! My daughter is a very talented little girl, then. Now she is a preteen & is to grown up to do art with me. I hope she comes back to it. Thank you for the wonderful compliment. ~amy


  38. Marisa says:

    Oh, that is so beautiful! And thank you for stopping by eve’s apple 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie is a talented kid. Thank you for complimenting her work, Marisa. I’ll pass it along to her. ~amy


  39. Oh my goodness, what an exquisite artwork. She may outgrow it one day but I doubt if you ever will. Thank you for sharing it with us all!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, Deb. Sophie’s art work is shockingly original for someone so young. I am so very proud of her work. I will pass your compliment on to her. ~amy


  40. Red says:

    Hi Amy & Happy New Year! I loved all your pictures. AND WOW! Your daughter Sophie is a true artist. Thank you for visiting my blog & following.


  41. Jim says:

    Really talented young lady.


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is shockingly, maddeningly so. She made that on her own at the age of 10. It hangs on her bedroom wall & when she thinks she has outgrown it, it will be mine! Thank you, Jim. Nice profile dog. I had a solid white husky that was my shadow for 10 years, he died last february & he took a large part of my heart with him. ~amy


  42. Yes, it is gorgeous!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie can make some stunning things when she sets her mind to it. Thank you! ~amy (Sophie’s mom)


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, Zooky. ~amy


  43. Roberta says:

    Thank you for the follow! I can tell your blog oozes with inspiration. I surely will like visiting. I am a grandma, who wants to draw and paint. I feel a bit inhibited.. Not sure why..People tell me to just do it but where do I start?


    1. 2me4art says:

      The fear of failure inhibits you. I taught myself & felt the same fear. Then I told myself that what ever I made is for the trash can. It took away the fear of failure, because I already knew it was trash. BUT i made sure i found the one spot i did like & questioned myself why-then made sure to apply what I did learn by doing to the next piece of trash. Making art is one of the bravest things to do-once childhood is over. Good luck. Copy Sophie, she was nine when she made this on her own. ~amy


  44. I love this! It is so beautiful and creative and illustrates the use of simple markers in a different way.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Yes. Amazingly it hangs on her wall. When she finished it, I told her I wanted to photograph it. But when it flowed behind her, with me following, it passed in front of our kitchen windows & I saw what it could be. Then I had her hold it to the window. I told her that she could tape it to her bedroom window, but she wanted it on her wall as she intended to when she made it. She is aware of its popularity & is shocked by how many make one for their windows. I am so glad you love it. I pass on all compliments to her. Sophie is a talented kid. ~amy


  45. Robin Bigelow says:

    I also found this via Pinterest. Please tell your daughter thank you for the inspiration! I have windows on either side of my front door and am going to try this. My youngest is now 17 so I’m not sure he will want to help, but I’m going to try! I think the correct type of paper can be found here:


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for posting the site for the paper! My daughter is a very gifted artist. She has now reached the age where she is anti-mom. So she will not create anything. But she will again, because like it or not-she is an artist.


  46. Su Leslie says:

    Wow, that’s gorgeous. She is one very talented kid!


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is, thank you for commenting. 🙂 ~amy


  47. Like your art. Thanks for following The Sundog Drift.:)


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, Jo! Glad to follow the Sundog Drift! ~amy


  48. Love your art. Thanks for following The Sundog Drift 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      My pleasure Jo! Thank you for liking my stuff & following me! ~amy


  49. designsweet says:

    Hi Amy (and Sophie) This is lovely! Very talented – the both of you! And thanks for the follow and like


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for liking & following too! -amy


  50. Awesome art! and thanks for following my blog.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie was pretty great at ten with art…but now she is a preteen who has no time for such childish things…crazy, huh? You’re welcome for the follow. & thank you for following me! -Amy


  51. Cheryl says:

    Oh Sophie, thank you for such an exquisite and inspiring piece of art. My granddaughter and I will be making themed versions of your “stained glass” beginning with a panel of apples and another of hearts. (I too, corrected my pinned description from wax paper to rolled easel paper. )


    1. 2me4art says:

      Cheryl, I will pass this on to Sophie. I hope you have a wonderful time! ~amy (Sophie’s mom)


  52. says:

    This is a really great idea! And I absolutely love Sophie’s design. Brilliant!!! 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is something! All on her own. Glad you like it & thanks for commenting. ~amy


  53. Wow! That looks amazing! 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is an amazing kid. Thank you! -amy


  54. carol says:

    Is there a lesson plan to go with the stains glass wax paper project


    1. 2me4art says:

      This was made up by my 10 year old daughter during spring break. She used sharpies on very thin & cheap rolls of paper. What you see is how to do it. She first drew a few blocks & colored them from her imagination. I hope you attempt it, she had a blast!


  55. How beautiful! Just found this via Pinterest; will be repinning and even trying it myself. You have quite a talented young lady at home.



    1. 2me4art says:

      I do. Or I did. She has tucked art away for a while to become a contrary preteen. I know when she returns to it, it will blow me away. Thank you for reposting~ amy


  56. erika Puckett says:

    does it matter which side you put the Sharpie on the wax paper


    1. 2me4art says:

      Not wax paper. Cheap thin white paper on a roll found at toy stores


  57. Zanne says:

    Like most everyone else, I saw this in pintrest and repinned it. I was looking for several things and this popped up. I’ve decided to use the idea on the bathroom window in my new home since it didn’t come with a frosted window and I didn’t want everyone seeing right through into the bathroom! I think it will be a wonderful fix!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Oh, good luck! A wonderful idea. I would seal both sides of completed artwork so the moister doesn’t make the color run. Maybe? Amy (Sophie’s mom)


  58. lisa barker says:

    Can u send me exact directions on this? I’m running our churchs art table @ vbs july 21-25…this is perfect!


    1. 2me4art says:

      You can find the answers you are looking for in all the comments. I ve been asked so many times.. The art itself was created by my daughter.


  59. Ruth says:

    Found this on Pinterest, and repinned it…then yesterday tried it with my 5 yr old twin grandaughters…you have to give ideas sometimes of what to draw but just as fun and its now hanging on my glass door to backyard! PS…sharpie ink comes off skin with baby wipes, or Fresh Wipes….easy clean up!


    1. 2me4art says:

      And with magic erasers on tables. I’m glad they enjoyed themselves. That is what art shout be for children- Amy


  60. Gibby says:

    I thoroughly love this pic & reading the numerous replies!! We all agree that your daughter is very gifted. Pls continue to encourage her to create!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      For now, Sophie has moved on. She is 12 & care for fashion, boys & YouTube. I will patiently wait for her interest to return in her own creative juices-Amy 😉


  61. I am genuinely grateful to the owner of this site who has shared this
    wonderful post at at this place.


    1. 2me4art says:

      That would be my daughter & I posted in 2011:)-amy


  62. lynn mccalmon says:

    She is talented


    1. 2me4art says:

      She has lost interest in art. She is twelve now & finds boys, clothes & music far more interesting. Art will find her again-amy.


  63. dixiegrace says:

    Just saw this pic on babyjogger’s fb page. Love it! Way to go, Sophie!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thanks for complimenting her-amy

      Liked by 1 person

  64. R says:

    This looks great!!
    The sharpies you are mentioning – is that permanent markers?


    1. 2me4art says:

      Yes, and they do bleed through.-amy


  65. Alissa says:

    Looks great ! It worked well tried on pillow case


    1. 2me4art says:

      How clever! I would love to see it! ~amy


  66. Karis says:

    Hello, I love the stained glass paper.:) What kind of paper did you use? Thanks in advance 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Cheap paper for children found in toy stores on a roll. It has to be thin, that is why no art stores!


  67. Erica says:

    Hi Sophie, I also have just come across this on Pinterest, I thought you might like to know how to find which of your pics have been pinned, anyone with a blog or web site can do this, just replace your site name with theirs, I was quite surprised when I tried it to see how many of my photos have been used
    love your daughters work, going to try it next time my grands come visiting


    1. 2me4art says:

      Very cool, she is an amazing kid. Thanks for the link, she has been pinned too many times to count! ~amy


  68. Tia says:

    This is a great idea to use in my class. We have one window, but it’s in a visible


    1. 2me4art says:

      Good luck & enjoy!~amy


  69. LMcBurney says:

    Pinned it…I was looking for vacation Bible school crafts with a medieval theme. This is great! Good job Sophie!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for repining & for the great comment for Sophie! ~amy


  70. Tracey says:

    Ur an awesome mom! Thank u 4 sharing this n ur time 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      You made my day, Tracey!!!


  71. edpfamily says:

    HI Sohpie’s Mom. This is a STRANGE question I know but, does Sophie have Attention Deficit Disorder? The reason I am asking is that my daughter & son and myself all have some form of Add or Adhd and the 1 variable that links us ALL together is this disorder is that we ARE ALL HIGHLY CREATIVE!!!! Those kids can come up with most artistic things that adults just sit in amazement that a child made the piece. It is the same feeling I got when I looked at Sophie’s faux stained glass picture!!! It is something that shows a developed imagination far beyond her 10yrs at the time.. All I can say, Add or not, is GOD BLESS HER AND KEEP HER AND MAY HE ALLOW HER TO KEEP CREATING!!!
    By the way, I ran into this on Pinterest!!
    Blessings to your family!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for your blessing for her. Sophie doesn’t have add or adhd, I think that she is very creative because she has had an art studio in the house her whole life. My family has been into the arts of one form or another for three generations. I think that is in her DNA to be artistic!
      Thank you for repinning on Pinterest!


  72. You can make a little money off this page by becoming a amazon affiliate. Link to the craft supplies your daughter used so people know what exactly to buy. If anyone buys them you get a percentage. And the best thing is, if they buy anything else by following your link you also make money on those things. By the way I love the piece. Found it on Pinterest.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Wow Carolyn, I had no idea! I will try that.
      Thank you so much.


  73. Stacy says:

    Beautiful! I have a dd6 who I think will love to give this a try. I ssaw it at but will be pinning it also.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Good luck & have a wonderful time.


  74. billie says:

    I just “found” this link from pinterest too. Thanks for clearning up that it’s not wax paper. Can’t wait to give it a try with my littles. 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Have a wonderful time!~amy


  75. denise chi says:

    Please send me instructions


    1. 2me4art says:

      Buy cheap white art paper on a roll for kids-found in toy stores. Color your design with Sharpie. Protect table beneath, the markers might bleed through. Thats it! ~amy


  76. Becky says:

    Your daughters work is very creative and awesome! I hope she continues with her artwork! Thanks for sharing with the world so we can all enjoy it!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you Becky, I will be sure to tell her. She’s a great kid.


  77. Kailey says:

    What side of the wax paper exactly


    1. 2me4art says:

      Hi Kailey- Not wax paper, I don’t know how that got there. It is a cheap paper on a roll. Usually found in the “art” department of a TOY STORE. It feels like office paper, but has a bit of a shine. I hope you can find some!


  78. Olivia says:

    you have a wonderful talented kid


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you! I will let her know you said so. ~amy


  79. Louise says:

    I think this looks really good and effective. I live children’s work. I’m hoping to use this idea for a Year One class. As part of a leaving present for their teacher. She has a small window above the fire exit door that is blacked out and I think this would be a perfect replacement to keep for next year. Fingers crossed we can make it look so good. Well done Sophie!


  80. Nicola M. says:

    Can I just say that I love how you take the time to comment on the responses here? =) I also found this via Pinterest and it’s going on the list of things to do with my son this summer vacation. Thank you for the wonderful idea~


    1. 2me4art says:

      You are very welcome. Not wax paper though, cheap paper found in toy store. Good luck! ~amy


  81. Vett says:

    I like this a lot 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      I will Sophie you said so. 🙂 ~amy


  82. deborah says:

    The reason everyone thinks this was done on waxed paper is because the original pinner said it was. She was obviously just guessing and should go back and remove her comment or correct it.


    1. 2me4art says:

      I didn’t know I could do that. I will try! ~amy


  83. hina says:

    Plz tell how she has made it , things req n way to do it . A tutorial with pics will definitely work. Thnx


    1. 2me4art says:

      No tutorial needed. It is cheap paper on a roll, found at toy stores. The paper is thin. The markers she used was sharpies, she drew different squares & rectangles & drew random things that come to a 10 year old mind. That is it! ~amy


  84. says:

    looking at doing this as a VBS craft with K-5 graders. Just wondering does it take the sharpies awhile to dry. Did she find that they smudged on the waxpaper at all?


    1. 2me4art says:

      I’m sorry-wax paper is a mistake, I wish I could change it! Sophie used a cheap roll of paper that came from a toy store. The paper is like very cheap & thin office paper-except on a roll. It can smear a bit so work from top to bottom! Most artwork should be done that way, that way you wont drag you elbow through paint or markers


  85. Debbie says:

    Beautifal, please send me the instructions


    1. 2me4art says:

      Go to toy store look for cheap paper on roll for kids. Color with Sharpie. Thats it.~amy


  86. MamaCat says:

    Over a year after the original date on this and I came via Pinterest! Gorgeous! Thanks for the idea!


    1. 2me4art says:

      People keep reposting. She did it when she was 10, she is now twelve so I think people really like it!~amy


  87. Max Qubit says:

    Great art. Really beautiful!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, I will tell her you said so.~amy


  88. Barbara says:

    This a beautiful piece. I am think it is a great idea for a Sunday school class project. Did you hit 5000 hits?


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie has gotten 100,000 hits.I’m glad you like the project.-amy


  89. terie says:

    That is awsome you should be proud of your creativity little one im gonna try it. You could put pices in between to pieces of glass and hang in window or cover a window on a door etc. Good job!!!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is proud of what she created & humble about all the attention. 🙂 -amy


  90. Susanne says:

    This is the most gorgeous child’s artwork I have ever seen!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      That is the result of having an art studio in the house her whole life. And going to almost every child art class I taught.
      She has paint in her veins instead of blood 🙂 -amy


  91. Addison says:

    I am addison and I am 9 years old and I tryed the wax paper and markers and it worked good and if you can try to send me more stuff if you have anymore ;)!!:)!!!!!!<3


    1. 2me4art says:

      Hi Addison,
      Do you want more art projects? Or more examples of Sophie’s stain glass? She only made the one drawing because it took her all of spring break.


  92. YAHOO for amazing, beautiful creativity! Yep I’m going to share on my blog.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Go for it. Sophie is an amazing kid!


      1. Nice job Mom. Hope Sophie keeps the creativity in her heart.


      2. 2me4art says:

        I do to. She takes my Tuesday art class with three other girls & I gave them two color choices for their canvas. Sophie’s colors where shockingly disappointing to me, but she was happy with what she had done, then she added her theme & her painting blew me away. The whole time, she knew what she was doing, while I assumed she didn’t. I don’t know why I do that, she has been shocking me all her short life!


      3. Yes, we could make ourselves crazy if we thought about all the chemicals we put into our personal space and our planet as a whole. So I say if we can do a few simple things to cut back, all the better.


  93. Marci says:

    Wow! Very impressive! Excellent work & creativity, especially for someone so young! 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Yup, she is a gifted girl! Thank you for complimenting her, I will make sure she see this tomorrow! -amy


  94. Anne Loder says:

    She is a wonderful artist ! How clever ! Keep going your amazing !


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie is a bit of a shock everyday. I’ll never meet another like her.-her mom, amy


  95. nicole says:

    Another neat thing, take crayon shaving between wax paper, low iron till it mealts. Makes it like stain glass, so many ways to change this up.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Great Idea, I’ve done that before. I love the smell, weird?


  96. Tiffany says:

    Thank you so much for this great idea!! I can’t wait to try this with my kids!! I have included this in my weekly roundup of useful sites at Thanks again!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Cool! Just make sure that you say cheap, thin paper. Not Wax paper. And you have to protect the table with a cover, as the sharpies bleed. -amy


  97. barbara says:

    where are the directions?


    1. 2me4art says:

      This is a coloring done by my daughter, who was 10 at the time. She made it up. She used cheap paper on a roll & colored it with hat sharpies. The paper on the Rommel is like office paper but really thin. Hope this help. – amy


    1. 2me4art says:

      Please don’t use wax paper, I’m not sure why it says that. The paper she used was on a roll. The paper is thin & cheap. When she came us stairs to show me I saw that you could see colors on both side, I suggested she hang it in her window. She stuck it to her wall. – Amy, Sophie’mother


      1. deborah says:

        The original pinner said that it was made on waxed paper. She must have just been guessing but it’s still on Pinterest with that comment so everyone thinks it is on waxed paper. She needs to correct it.


  98. Kayla says:

    I shared this on a page that I admin on facebook, Parenthood 101. It is in a Craft album that we have. I provided a link to this page in the description of the photo. I hope that was ok. Let me know if you wish for me to remove it.


    1. 2me4art says:

      No, that is great! I will be sure to tell Sophie! -amy


  99. megan says: where is the tutorial that “just” blew your mind MOM


    1. 2me4art says:

      I don’t need a tutorial. She just colored cheap paper with sharpies. Do you need a tutorial, Megan?


  100. Rosalinda says:

    So… just found this today on Pinterest! I’m in South America, so “craft paper” isn’t on the store shelves. Could you describe it so that I could find something like it? Is it like onionskin paper? Or more like newsprint? Thanks… and sorry to bother you!


    1. 2me4art says:

      No bother at all. The paper is more like copy paper or office paper, but thinner. It is also a bit on the smoother side. Make sense? Amy


  101. Marni says:

    Thank you for sharing your daughter’s amazing art work. I am a stained glass artist and was recently asked to teach art at small Christian school for the remainder of the school term. While looking for some ideas for elementary children I came across the picture. Maybe my fourth graders can tackle this on a smaller scale. Thanks again for the share to inspire the rest of us.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Our pleasure! She is amazing, shocks me everyday! -amy


  102. Diane Phillips says:

    Newsprint can be acquired at your local newspaper. I got a roll nearly 6″ in diameter for the best price possible…FREE!


    1. 2me4art says:

      wow! great idea! Thank you for sharing!-amy


  103. Melanie West says:

    I found your daughter’s art work via a google search for stained glass projects for children. My pre-k/k kids will be doing this project this summer. You have an amazing little artist on your hands!! Please thank her for her inspiration!


  104. Kourtnie says:

    I saw this on Pintrest what kind of paper did she use so cute i want to do this for my house


    1. 2me4art says:

      The paper was very cheap, I found it in a toy store. It was on a roll, when open it feels/looks like very cheap office paper.-amy


  105. Phoport says:

    A very nice work from a very good 10 year old artist.


    1. 2me4art says:

      she is that. Thank you


      1. Phoport says:

        You’re very welcome. 😉


  106. pine says:

    I just pinned this onto my crafty page and changed the paper description to thin white paper!!! Sophie is very talented, she must be 11 by now hope you have some more of her art work on your blog just going to look now! Thank you for posting this


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie is 11 now. She has not been doing much art now that school started & she has begun playing in the school band. Its the summer that she has time to put color to paper.


  107. PiedType says:

    10 years old? Wow!


    1. 2me4art says:

      She was then. She is a marvel. Thank you!


  108. Cara V. says:

    Haha! I feel bad you have to tell people OVER and OVER, it is cheap, thin paper on a roll from a toy store! I read all of the comments and posts because I wanted to know what kind of paper was used also. This is absoultely amazing. I have a door just like the one in the picture also. I do not like the fact everyone can see right through it, and my apartments refuse to change it out. This is perfect! too bad Sofie can’t make one to cover the whole glass piece for me LOL! SHe is amazing! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thanks for letting me know that you read white thin paper. Aaahhhh, happy me. I don’t tell my daughter much about compliments anymore because her head has gotten too big & she is giving me art ideas all the time…


  109. Nik says:

    Fantastic work! Found it on Pinterest and have been sharing it ever since:) Just shows the effect a creative parent and creative environment (studio area in the house) can have on kids. I trained in Fine Art and my wife is a Kindergarten Principal so I’ll definitely be passing this on to her.
    Yayyy Amy!


  110. Mandi D says:

    Your daughter’s artwork is amazing. I will be rep inning this for future use with my daughters. I may even be mentioning this on my blog, but will be sure to give you, your daughter, and your blog ALL the credit. Thank you for sharing!


  111. Lydia says:

    Ooh, this gives me an idea for my storm door for Christmas. I’m going to try a C’mas card stained glass window!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Good luck, make sure you use cheap white paper & not wax. Wax is a mistake! Have a wonderful time!


  112. Karen Rose says:

    I am far behind others as I just saw it on Pinterest and repinned it too! Great idea, thinking of Christmas decorations for kids!


    1. 2me4art says:

      great idea, not wax paper, cheap white paper!


  113. Mel Maloy says:

    It’s November Thanksgiving Eve…and we are pinning this picture. It’s so beautiful! My husband loves stained glass and is so impressed. He wants my daughter and I to start this project right away. (Christmas gifts for grandparents)
    It’s a good thing to have a long weekend, Happy Thanksgiving!


  114. KDcrazylady says:

    Your daughter is a blessing from God for you! And
    she is using her God-given talent to bring you more
    attention! Amazing. I’m not sure I know exactly what
    the paper is – I’ll check it out. But I wondered it you could
    use clear contact paper; leave the backing on during process,
    then remove and double back onto another piece of clear
    contact paper. Just a thought – then you could frame with
    craft foam or craft sticks to hang in a window. Another
    thought for handing is using craft glue to paint on the back
    of the contact paper to make a window cling.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Those are wonderful ideas to try. I’d watch for smearing though. Sophie came up with the idea on her own. I found the paper on a roll at a toy store (not a chain) the paper is similar to cheap office paper. She is a gift, she amazes me everyday!


  115. Lori g flores says:

    Also from Pintrest. This artwork is amazing! I can’t find the paper though. Ill keep looking.


    1. 2me4art says:

      toy stores! Usually privately owned toy stores. Paper on a roll. It will work on very cheap office paper, but not as well.


  116. anniebelle says:

    I also saw this on Pinterest and am glad I checked out your blog to learn that it shouldn’t be wax paper – I’m putting together a little packet of Pinterest-found crafts for my moms group tomorrow night and am definitely including this! Such a gorgeous piece that your daughter did – tell her to keep up the beautiful work!


  117. kellie says:

    this is awesome!! (i ‘found’ you via pinterest:))


  118. peggy says:

    So just exactly what kind of paper is it? I have read on hear wax paper wont work, just wondering for my 9 year old.

    Thank you & beautifil art


  119. beckynielsen says:

    Love this. Will be fun to try with my grandsons and Sunday School kids. Sophie is quite the inspiration!


  120. beckynielsen says:

    what fun! Will try this with my grandsons and Sunday School kids. Sophie is quite the inspiration!


    1. 2me4art says:

      She is wonderful & very creative.


  121. Becky says:

    Your daughter is a great artist! I’m going to have my kids try this on cheap craft paper! Not wax paper 🙂


  122. funkycaine says:

    Thank you for being so patient with the waxed paper questions. The minute I saw it, I knew it couldn’t be waxed paper. Ever since starting pinterest, I’ve been going to the original source because of issues like this. Thank you for sharing such beautiful art! I’ll be following your blog from now on- I appreciate your spirit and willingness to let your kids be kids 🙂 All my best to you!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you, Sophie is an amazing kid. Shocked me the first time I saw it. Thanks for following…I’ll check your blog out.


  123. Colleen says:

    Thanks for the clarification regarding the paper. I did this art project with wax paper with my class, but it didn’t come out as vibrant. Will use the toy store craft paper next time.


    1. 2me4art says:

      toy store craft paper on a roll, super cheap & you can decide the length. I would love to see how it comes out, I would love to post it.


  124. Helenanne says:

    What a beautiful work of art. I saw it on pinterest and was curious because it said waxed paper. We may have to get some of that cheap rolled paper from the toy store. Please let your daughter know that her work continues to be appreciated.


    1. 2me4art says:

      I tell her everyday. She is one talented girl! No waxed paper, she did hers on cheap rolled up paper from the toy story, cheap so it shows through, but I would maybe put something under the paper so it doesn’t bleed though. Not sure if Sophie did that or not. She did it on the coffee table while watching tv.


  125. Ninevanineva says:

    What a great stained glass art! Pinning!


  126. I’m 27 years old, I’m an artist, your daughter is so lucky to have you as a mother. I know your daughter is only 10 but I watched my friends parents tell them no to art schools while my parents embraced my art and sent me to 3 different art colleges, good for you. Love what your children love. Be happy with what makes them happy. And be proud of their talents, no matter what they may be 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      I wish you luck in your field! I support what makes my kids happy b/c, I want them to be happy! I am an artist & have had an art studio in the house for as long as they remember. If they wanted to hang around with me, they did art…their way. Although when it comes to paint, there were days when I couldn’t handle the stress! 🙂 Thank you for your sweet words.


  127. susan evans says:

    Like all of those before me I found this and repinned it on pinterest too. I just want to say how great you’ve been responding to every comment. I hope pinterest continues to bring you success and traffic. Thank you for sharing Sophie’s art with us. You can tell she put in much effort and thought into all of the boxes.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for repining & the complements. Sophie is one of a kind!


  128. Destiny says:

    We used a roll of crafting paper found at Hobby Lobby for $7.99. I used your idea for a group craft project over a weekend church retreat. It turned out beautiful!!! I attached a link to a picture below. Thank you for the wonderful idea!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie’s mouth dropped open in shock & surprise! Thank you so much for the link to see you amazing project. It turned out beautifully.


  129. Rory Guerra says:

    This is absolutely beautiful. Pure artwork in the making.


  130. niasunset says:

    I found her amazing work on Pinterest and fascinated me. She is so creative and very talented. Blessing and Happiness, Thanks and Love, nia


  131. Ali says:

    Pinterest led me here too. I thought it odd that it said wax paper because I thought sharpies would smudge and as you note it is not wax paper. I just don’t know where to find this very cheap paper on a roll – is it white paper? It looks like it lets light in so a clear or wax paper quality makes more sense. I sure hope I can find the paper. If you find it online can you post a link? Thanks!! Your daughter is quite the artist.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Toy stores carry paper on a roll, look in the art section of toys are us. You can look online, just make sure you are looking for children’s paper, that way you know its cheap & see through. Good Luck!


  132. This is so pretty; I love Sophie’s work!! I will repin with the correct paper to use. Thank you for sharing!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you for repinning! I will tell Sophie what you wrote.


  133. Sheryl says:

    I’ve been wanting to put a “stained glass look” on my living room window. This will work great and will be something I did instead of something bought and I can change it without much cost.Thanks so much. Found this on pinterest.


    1. 2me4art says:

      just remember that both side won’t look the same, so if you do make one, make sure the window is in the back of the house or you can just color the other side too!


  134. Sherry says:

    Love this! Great classroom project. Saw it on Pinterest too – and repinned.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Great idea! I will tell Sophie. Thank you for pinning it!


  135. Kathy says:

    Im gonna try some tracing paper I have


    1. 2me4art says:

      I bet that will be amazing!


  136. I’m going to do this to cover a transom window above my front door. Please thank Sophie for the inspiration., I also re-pinned with a corrected description. Thanks for sharing this.


    1. 2me4art says:

      I’ll tell Sophie! And thank you for re-pinning with correct description!


  137. Gladys says:

    Your daughter is amazing. Gods blessing to your family. I will trying this with my preschoolers Make it into a quilt. Thank you.


    1. 2me4art says:

      A Quilt, what a great idea! Good luck!


  138. malina says:

    Thanks for this great idea. I found this on pinterest, sophie should do pinterest with her art, i would definatly follow her ;). My 4 year old loves markers and we are about to re decorate his room, I’m so excited to try this with him. Thanks again sophie


    1. 2me4art says:

      Good luck! The paper is on a roll & found in toy stores. Do not use wax paper. I will be sure to show your post to her! Thank you! Amy & Sophie


  139. Laura says:

    Found this on Pinterest. It’s totally awesome. I’m going to try it for the window on my back door, at least until I can afford custom stained glass. This is awesome.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Wow, I’ll be sure to tell Sophie. Use paper on a roll found at toy stores, like kids R us…Remember in looks great on one side & it should be a window that no one sees from the other side, unless you color that one too! Amy


  140. says:

    I love this idea….maybe I will let my 5th graders do some of this for my art room windows. Thanks for sharing!


  141. heather says:

    I love this and your daughter is so gifted! What kind of paper did you use (name or brand). I would love to do this with my girls!


  142. Theresa R says:

    You can also find that cheap drawing paper at Ikea. They sell a cheap easel set and the paper is sold separately. I like this project for me or my grandchildren. I found this site through a pinterest link on friends FACEBOOK status. …Its getting around.


  143. KatBW says:

    Wait, it’s beautiful and I’m dying to do this with my kids but I’m now confused. Is it not wax paper?
    Btw, your daughter hands are blessed. How amazing, this budding young artist.


  144. Momuv3princesses says:

    I, too, found this on Pinterest! I LOVE the piece of art she created! She did an amazing job! She has motivated me to teach my own children about the history of stained glass and allow them to create a piece of “stained glass” as your daughter has done. Thank you so much for sharing!!! 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you! I read my daughter your response & it made her day. Good luck on your project! It took S. 10 days.


  145. Jamie ward says:

    Absolutely beautiful!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thank you! She is an amazing kid!


  146. Amy says:

    This is beautiful..Thanks for sharing! Will try soon!


  147. Billie says:

    I too was led here from Pinterest…I’m going to do this myself!! Let’s light in, and nosey neighbors out!! LOL


    1. 2me4art says:

      Have a wonderful time & good luck with the neighbors!


  148. Terri Lee Court says:

    I’ll try to change it on my pin,


  149. Kathy says:

    Love this I have 23 windows need this


    1. 2me4art says:

      Good luck!!!


  150. Angela says:

    Will this work on wax paper?


    1. 2me4art says:

      No. It was cheap drawing rolled paper usually found in a toy shop. Sharpie ink would wipe off of wax paper.


  151. Kenton Lewis says:

    No one can match the heart, truth and innocence that is in a child’s art. That’s what makes is so irresistible. It seems like we, as older ones, are always trying to capture what they already have.


    1. 2me4art says:

      & regain what we lost.


    2. This artwork caught my eye immediately,! it’s beautiful,amazing for a 10 year old. Sophie certainly has the talent.i am wondering if a large roll of freezer paper would work?. I teach art also to k through 8 and this would be a wonderful project for all levels.


      1. 2me4art says:

        Not freezer paper, I’m sorry. She used the cheap paper on a roll from a toy store. The paper has to be thin to allow the light to come through. Sophie is an astounding artist. Thank you for your kind words & I would LOVE to see what your grades come up with, I could post them on my blog!!!


  152. Pat says:

    I am loving this. I am thinking the paper you refer to may be the newsprint rolls? I want to let my grand daughters loose on a project like this and would love to see these kinds of results. I love the stained glass effect. I also saw this on pinterest.


    1. 2me4art says:

      I usually see the paper rolls at a toy store.


  153. 2me4art says:

    Reblogged this on 2me4art.


  154. Jada Haughey says:

    I too found this on Pinterest and I love it!! As the mother of a 3 year old boy I am excited to try this…. he might end up looking like a rainbow for a few weeks, but that’s ok 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      Wonderful fun, I’d watch a three year old with sharpies- you may end up needing a new carpet!


  155. Amy says:

    I too found this on Pinterest (with that same incorrect caption – I wish they would indicate who made the caption). Is this done with regular markers? Sharpies? Paint? Thanks.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Cheap paper on a roll, usually found in a toy store & sharpies.


  156. ::grabbing shopping list and adding sharpies::: my girls will LOVE this and I have a window that gets to much sun. I am going to put the art in there 🙂
    Thank you for the share!!!


    1. 2me4art says:

      That’s so cool! Sophie asked me to reblog this so she can have everyone see my stuff b/c she feels guilty that she has gotten over 5,000 hits this weekend, I’ve never had hits like that in one day, my top was 503 or something. Sophie is so sweet, she wants to use the popularity of her hits, to bring me high numbers. That is a daughter’s love. I hope your daughter’s have wonderful time, tell them the it took Sophie a week to to make it, because hers is so big…I finally remembered when she made it-spring break.


      1. Alicia Makowski says:

        That is amazing… Your daughter is an artist! Found this on Pinterest. Since I’m a mom too, and I’d be curious why I’d have so many hits on my kids pic, I figured I’d comment;) I’m pinning this as well so my lil folks can try it too!


      2. 2me4art says:

        I hope your lil folk have a wonderful time!!!


    2. bridgett bennett says:

      i love this piece of work..i have a 3 year old grand daughter and did not want her to work with sharpies they smell and leave stains on the hands so i tried a few other pens we had and the one i loved the most is the crayola brush markers in lighter colors then i took a sharpie and did outline work it turned out so nice…


      1. 2me4art says:

        Hi Bridgett,
        Yes, sharpies are very stung smelling & I think you came up with a great alternative. I will pass your compliment on to Sophie. ~amy PS I just figured out how to find old comments that I was unable to reach before this morning. I’m sorry for that.


  157. This is awesome. Please tell Sophie I think she is a gifted artist. I pinned this changing the waxed paper to inexpensive crafting paper. I will also be linking to this on’s Facebook Page. ~Kimara~


    1. 2me4art says:

      How wonderful. I was a preschool art teacher & learned most of the things I do as art from the little or wee fearless hands, that make the most amazing things. Sophie will love to read your words, thank you for changing it to crafting paper & linking it with your website or blog…amy


  158. BestGrandma says:

    I, too, found this on Pinterest this morning. I teach third grade and have two granddaughters, so I was interested in this project. The pinner had written that this was done on wax paper, but that didn’t seem like it would work to me, so I checked out the link to your page. Lovely artwork!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie is an amazing mystery to me. I question how she knows how to do all that she does. Thank you for complementing her art, I know she will love it & put it in her file.


  159. Brandy says:

    I seen this on pinterest and thought it was so pretty!!! My girls are always looking for something different and fun to make, especially when it comes to them drawing or coloring! Your little one did and amazing job 🙂


    1. 2me4art says:

      I was an art teacher to a preschool. I found that if you put a paint brush in the hands of 3 year olds, you learn so much from them. Their freedom, no fear of making a ugly picture or a mess or someone won’t like it. Changed the way I painted. She is amazing. She’s 11 years old. I signed up for your emails.


  160. girliefriend says:

    Led here from Pinterest. Love this! Pin I followed said this was on waxed paper but I see your clarification. You have quite a budding artist on your hands!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Yes, She did that during spring break. I’ve always had an art studio & she has had something creative to do. But, when she brought that up, I was truly shocked. She is going to be so happy that her art got me 1552 hits today.


  161. Kate says:

    Love that wax paper piece!


    1. 2me4art says:

      Thanks. But not waxed paper, I don’t know why it says that. The rolled up cheap paper found at a toy store


      1. Shelly says:

        Do you mean the brown Kraft paper? I tried it on wax paper, it looks ok but it’s messing up the markers.


      2. 2me4art says:

        I’m sorry, I’m not sure why it says wax paper. The paper she used was very cheap paper on a roll, usually found in a toy store. Good luck. Amy


      3. Amanda says:

        Repinned on pintrest today. Going to try to find that paper. How does it do with regular markets? I have a 2yr old & a9 yr old. Dont want to give the 2yr old sharpies. Love it btw!!!!


      4. 2me4art says:

        I’m not sure, but I would try it. Coloring is still fun & if they are beautiful they could be framed! amy


      5. Janey says:

        It appears this post has grown wings! I can’t wait to buy sharpies and try this with my ten yr old. Thanks or the inspiration.


      6. 2me4art says:

        It was all Sophie! You should make one along with your 10 year old. Coloring is a great stress reliever. I like to think of it as a mini vacation. -amy


      7. Joy says:

        It has grown wings! I just pinned this yesterday and 3 people have pinned from me since! Sophie is a wonderful artist. I to have a studio and my kids have played with at since a very young age! I’m looking forward to seeing to the results of them growing up


      8. 2me4art says:

        I know they won’t disappoint-amy


  162. Awesome! That’s amazing.


    1. 2me4art says:

      Can I ask you where you saw this post, because I’ve gotten almost 200 hits, but it is an old post. Where did you see it?


      1. I found it on Pinterest and then re-pinned it myself. Hope that’s okay! If not, let me know and I’ll take it off.


      2. 2me4art says:

        Of course you can re-pin it, but I have a blog & my views are now 343, & I posted it on my blog in the fall, thats why I asked. Do you think its just because you repined it?


      3. Well, it looks great as stained glass! I’m sure it’s nice on her wall as well. I’m not sure if the new traffic is just from my pin or from others who have pinned it as well. Are you on Pinterest?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. 2me4art says:

      Can I ask you where you saw this post, because I’ve gotten almost 200 hits, but it is an old post. Where did you see it? AND thank you for your great complement!


      1. You’re welcome! It’s a beautiful piece of art! Is it a sharpie drawing on regular paper or wax paper?


      2. 2me4art says:

        Omgosh, it’s the cheapest paper ever, thats why it came out so amazing as stained glass. She taped it to her wall. I would have put it on my window. You know the rolls of paper they have in the children’s section at a toy stores.


  163. Trixie says:

    Hiii can you tell me how you did this?:)


    1. 2me4art says:

      She did this on her own. It’s rolled paper usually from a toy story, not art, with regular sharpies. – Amy


  164. avian101 says:

    Amy your house is full of talent! You’ve just shot a great picture and Sophie’s terrific! She’s an artist! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 2me4art says:

      Sophie has the advantage of having an art studio in the middle of her house. Always coloring, her whole long life!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Terri says:

      I just found this on Pinterest…and love this. Your daughter has amazing talent and it will bring her many hours of pleasure.
      Can you tell me if she just did it on the craft paper on the 1 side with the sharpie markers. I run a daycare and think this would be Awesome as a group project for my schoolage kids. Thanks for posting


      1. 2me4art says:

        craft paper should work, the thing is the markers are sharpies. I wish you luck & thank you for the compliment for Sophie!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Kristine says:

        I think the paper she has been trying to tell everyone about is kind of like the paper they use in doctors office on the exam tables also some places use it for cheep table clothes.


      3. 2me4art says:

        No, that is too thick. The paper came on a wooden roll that I bought years ago. Any cheap, shiny white paper would work. ~amy

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Amy Saab says:

        Thank you so much, i’ll pass your compliment on to Sophie!


    3. Peggy Ward says:

      Very nice! I think I might try this technique with my Spanish classes as a cultural activity.


      1. Amy Saab says:

        Thank you, Peggy. My daughter was an amazing artist back then. Puberty made art boring now, i try to tell her that she needs to create art because it is still inside her & i am desperate to see what she is capable of now that she is 14 years old. I wish you luck with your class. ~amy


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