the cat stands above me



Juju is a stunner. I think it is impossible to take a bad photo of this guy.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. keebslac1234 says:

    Beautiful beast. Although I must say I’ve seen many a photogenic feline.


    1. So are you saying, Juju is one of many?! Yeah, he is. I love cats…obviously my own the most. Thanks for the compliment, i will tell Juju you said so. But he already knows ~amy


  2. colonialist says:

    For some reason this post remains doggedly cat-picture-less to me. Maybe Helen C swiped Juju? Or do you mean the one at the top?
    (The previous post pix took ages to load … oh, hang on, these cats are now popping up slowly. Don’t you think for blog purposes smaller web page settings would be more appropriate?)


    1. Sorry about the slow loading images. I shoot in Raw, but try to downsize the images…still, i cannot seem to make them small enough to load quickly. Funny though, about Helen C. taking Juju! I’ll keep trying to make them smaller. I shoot them large, so that i can print them large! ~amy


      1. colonialist says:

        You have 1000px x 1562px. I reduce to 640px maximum on the largest edge, or even 448px, save at that size in a separate file, and import from that. My default picture size for blogs is 640×480. I do my reducing in Microsoft Office 2010, which I reimported to the Windows 10 package for the purpose.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sophie says:

    Oh my goodness, such beautiful photos x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sophie! It is the subject, not the photos 🙂 ~amy


  4. Helen C says:

    Beautiful photos, Amy. Can I borrow Juju for a day? 😉
    Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, i don’t think i could give him up for an hour! He is so cool! Thank you for the compliments! I will let Juju know! ~amy

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