the solo kitten

IMG_2303IMG_2304IMG_2812IMG_2311 (1)I’ve had a lot of trouble with my neck for a very long time. Most days i spent on the couch. Bored & angry at my inability to contribute anything to anyone. I was very depressed at being so useless…except one day in December, I heard meowing at my front door. It was a kitten. There is a mom cat with her two kittens that roam the neighborhood. This kitten had obviously been left outside, alone overnight. He was cold, tired & hungry. I have three BIG cats that didn’t want this kitten in the house. I put him on my desk and he was asleep within minutes, but he was still shivering. I wrapped him up in my coat. Then i took him to the couch. I put him against my chest & covered both of us with a blanket. I fell asleep. I woke up hours later to find him burrowed halfway under the blanket. The last photo of him was how i found him. He made my day so much better.

And the owner of said kittens & mom cat? Take better care of your animals!

all photos were taken with my iphone

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda Corliss says:

    This kitten is so beautiful! Linda

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. He is beautiful & much bigger…and still trick or treating daily. ~amy


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