Quicksilver caught


with iphone. i zoomed in pretty tight to get his eye. he was being a pain in the butt b/c i wanted to take photos, of the dew on everything, that morning…the peach tree had to be continuously rubbed against, thus preventing clear shots. roses had to be smelled…blueberry bushes had to be rubbed against. but never me. never me, when i have either my iphone or camera in hand. Quicksilver KNEW what i was looking at…which i found astounding, although i shouldn’t be, with eyesight such as his, he was watching my own eyes…which were not looking at his. and that is not to be tolerated. thinks He.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. I know about what you are saying. Curious felines that do not have your 100% attention when they want it will insinuate themselves until you stop and give them the bigger portion of being with you.


    1. Oh, YES! Quicksilver knew just when to shake the branches to give me a blurry image. Smart cat. I gave up & gave in. Nice to ‘see’ you Gretchen! ~amy


  2. waternymph88 says:

    Gorgeous boy 💖💖💖


    1. I full heartedly agree with your assessment on my cat’s looks.:) Thank you for commenting. I use this one as my screensaver on my phone. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful kitty .. Will you take him when you go Amy?


    1. oh, gosh, Julie, i do hope he will stay where ever i bring him. He is very happy here, but he has decided the dogs & i belong to him, my indoor cat doesn’t like him much. He is shy of her. I will bring him & i pray he will stay, otherwise i am leaving a part of my heart here. Thank you for asking after Quicksilver, Julie. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know she is special to you …

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