why pink costs more


i’ve always had to buy pink disposable razors, the cheapest of the cheap. gosh, i should have photographed my flesh wounds (but the exposed bone may have turned stomachs) to send to the makers of cheap pink razors. i think the company that makes both male & female razors has someone, at quality control, determine if the razors were good enough for the men’s or not. if not, the razors got tossed onto the floor, where they sit, perhaps for a year or so. then they are moved onto a beach somewhere, then they collect these razors, & put them in their pink ones for women. the company makes so much more money using the dull, rusty razor for woman because they KNOW women never really outgrow PINK & despite the fact they suck, they continue to buy them. (the company also knows MEN hate to shop-they don’t want to have to buy new razors every week)

i can now buy what i want, i bought black razors, disposables, and they are sharper & don’t leave bumps. i use men’s razors. there, i said it. they last three times as long & do a far better job.

i think women need to buy more men’s stuff. i bought a pair of jeans at the thrift store, i thought they were European because they had waist & length for the size. BUT the second i put them on, the pockets were ten times the size as my usual ones, pointed at the bottom (for men to scratch an itch?). i LOVE these, i can fit everything in my girly purse into my pockets! i don’t need a purse. it is so much easier to shop for unPINK things…and another bonus for having pockets ten times bigger, i can stuff the cash i can save not buying girly things.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Agreed!! Men’s jackets are also warmer and have functional interior pockets.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Really? I’m a jacket shopping-aholic…luckily, i shop at consignment shops & thrift stores for fun & funky jackets. warmth mattered not…until winter sets in January. You have given me another isle to look at! Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This made me laugh. It also made me notice that the razors I buy are blue…how stereotypical does it get.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy Saab says:

      geez, pink & blue! Are we that gullible?! i want a blue razor…I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT. The black ones work fine, they are just so…black. Thanks for the awesome compliment, Christopher! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. cattan2011 says:

    Fabulous post and never think of these points you have raise and yea, will have a go at it soon. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much! Another discovery, my ex-husband left behind a can of shaving cream–it is a gazillion times thicker then the junk they put in woman’s. ~amy


      1. cattan2011 says:

        Ha!!! cool find

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Merilee says:

    You are so RIGHT. Men’s stuff is better than women’s, including fragrance. I like wearing men’s watches and men’s fragrance and now I’m going to buy men’s razors! Thanks for the tip!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      OH, Merilee–men’s shaving cream! It is thicker & smells so delicious! I wear a woman’s watch, but it looks like a mans…i needed BIG numbers to see them. Age sucks. Thank you for reading!!! & your compliments. ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Merilee says:

        You are most welcome! I don’t often comment, but I do enjoy your work 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. keebslac1234 says:

    Delightful posts and images these days! I enjoy reading and seeing! Love the wit you bring to your posts!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Well, that compliment cheered me up! I thank you for it. The sun will stay hidden above the rain clouds for the next week, would you mind sending the awesome compliments everyday? at least until the rain stops? You can make them up if you’d like. As in, Amy, your hair looks amazing today! Thank you so much. ~amy


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