a museum in his pocket…

my 11yr old son has an innate drive to create miniatures. i believe this drive is inherited by my Great Grandfather, Louis Rosenthal.
my 11yr old son has an innate drive to create miniatures. i believe this drive is inherited from my Great Grandfather, Louis Rosenthal.

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The title of this post was a story told to me by my father. Louis Rosenthal was walking around downtown Baltimore with his young son. A man stopped to greet Louis & said to Louis’s son, “Your father walks around with a museum in his pocket”

I love that my own son has a drive for art, especially reducing sizes of anything.

I own some of Louis Rosenthal’s original wax that used to sculpt his originals in before casting…i also have one of the mother of pearl pocket knifes that he used to create his smaller pieces. i have offered to heat that wax, (this wax could be 50 to 60 years old) make a block out of it, hand my son the knife to see if my son can find art somewhere inside the wax, begging to be released. Wouldn’t that be cool to know how he feels to hold such a treasure?

These images were taken from the online museum of my Great Grandfather…

The woman beside Louis Rosenthal is Mae West. How cool is that?! He carved her once.



21 Comments Add yours

  1. Wow, really cool, love the story! Your family must be the most creative I know of, you must be very proud!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      It is funny b/c my family has always been just this. But when i look at it from another’s eyes, i find i am extremely proud of where i come from. I took all the art that surrounded me for granted, that will not happen again. Thank you, Eva. ~amy


  2. Oh Amy, how clever was your grandfather Louis! How wonderful to have such a creative person in the family .. and then there is you. He would be very proud 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Oh, that comment just made me choke back some tears. Do you really think he would be proud of me. Gosh, i always think i would, but to hear someone else say it…wonderful. Thank you for that incredible gift, Julie. ~amy


      1. Amy .. no doubt about it!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fabulous family history story! Wonderful talent that definitely runs in the family! 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so very much, Linda! ~amy


  4. Awesome story – it’s wonderful to dig into family history


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Nora. I love history & finding mine is so interesting…is so cool! ~amy


  5. loisajay says:

    so this is why you are so very talented! How cool is this?! And Mae West, to boot!


    1. Amy Saab says:

      I’ve always been a big fan of Mae West quotes. She was brilliant! Thank you for looking at the post & the awesome compliment. ~amy


  6. Wow … what an illustrious and important heritage … one that both you and your son should be proud of. I followed the link to the museum and was immediately taken by the miniatures … to say that they are wonderful is an understatement. I related to the line, ‘ … find art somewhere inside.’ A most famous thinker, in my field of biology, once said that natural selection works like a sculptor, it never adds but creates beauty by subtraction. Think of the sculptor, beginning with a solid block of material (wood, wax, or marble). The sculptor never, ever, adds … like a painter or poet would. The sculptor only removes. And, slowly, ever-so-slowly art emerges. Isn’t that a cool image? Encourage your son. Encourage your son. Encourage your son. The degree to which you do so is important … too much may turn him away … not enough and he won’t seem like you’re behind him. Just like the three bears … you gotta supply the support … ‘just right.’ Good luck. Thanks for this nice post. D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy Saab says:

      Well, thank you, David. I had heard of sculptures who carve images out of something, found the art already there. My children have always been exposed to art. All three have begged to paint, begged to use or make something,in the art studio. All three have hit puberty, which is the time in their lives where they would prefer to do anything, like anything other then what their parents do. My mother showed my math-minded son how to make origami boxes & he loved it. When he asks me for help with it, i have to tell him that my brain doesn’t work that way, i tell him he owns that gift. That is all the encouragement he required. For him to know that the gift of talent is his own & not borrowed from me. Ownership is a powerful motivator…


  7. this is amazing 🙂


    1. Amy Saab says:

      WOW, thank you so much! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. cattan2011 says:

    wooo an amazing clever man and artist.. wonderful post…


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much. Thank you for reading it & commenting! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much. I feel very, very lucky to know that Louis Rosenthal belongs to me & his blood & talent flows through me to my son. ~amy


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you so much! ~amy

      Liked by 1 person

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