Vermont through his eyes

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When i see Kip’s photography, i beg him to share it on my blog. See, he is where i wish i was. (I have been unable to return to Vermont due to multiple surgeries…but maybe this fall, I will get up there.)

Kip (Kingman) is an amazing photographer & he captures everything i love about Vermont.

Kip & i went to High School together & a large group of us used to hang out together, sometimes in Hubbard Park, at night, in the dark… his last photo in this seriesย brings back some scary memories, of ghost stories & flashlights & the feeling of being watched…by something or someone…creepy.


15 Comments Add yours

  1. Karen B says:

    Fabulous photos. I hope you get to spend time with Kip on your return. Actually, I wish you could go back there for a time and perhaps spend time there on your own. Maybe something between you and Vermont needs time to be resolved.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Karen. I hope to visit Kip when I go. He can give me some pointers…his work is different then mine. Vermont calls to me, i’ve nothing to resolve, only time being on the Vermont earth that somehow belongs to me. It refuels me enough to sustain living on, still…foreign ground. ~amy


  2. alfredsalmanac says:

    Beautiful pictures.


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Alfred! He is quite a gifted photographer. ~amy


  3. Beautiful land, home sweet home!


    1. janjoy52 says:

      Its easy to see why you miss Vermont and why you are drawn to Kip’s photos. They are stunning. I pray a speedy recovery so you can realize your heart’s longing to revisit Vermont.รท]


      1. Amy Saab says:

        Thank you so much, Jan. I think i’ll be able to go up at the end of September, beginning of Oct. Wish me luck! ~amy


      2. janjoy52 says:

        You got it!


    2. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, Eva. See why i am always homesick?! He captures it beautifully. ~amy


    1. Amy Saab says:

      Thank you, wicked chicken! ~amy


  4. Great photos ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Amy Saab says:

      I love them. He is really good. Thanks, Irene. ~amy


    2. Amy Saab says:

      I agree, Irene! Nothing like seeing home from here. He is very talented. ~amy


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